Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Fun Filled Weekend

Ok - so on Friday night - I went to happy hour with Amy and Terry (et. al) after work. I was responsible - and came home early - due to early Sat. morning departure time.

Saturday morning - Lonny and I got up and hit the road - bound for Fargo. We had a yucky and rainy drive almost all the way to Fargo - until about 30 mi. out - then it was sunny! We got to Justin's around 2:30 - and while the boys practiced - I headed to south Fargo to hook up with Nancy. She and I went shopping for Julie's shower (coming up THIS Sat.!) - then picked up KFC - and headed back to Marc and the kids for some dinner. It was fun to see Nathan and Lauren - and fun that I think they actually remembered me from my last visit in April! :) After dinner I made my way to the Aquarium - where the boys were playing. When I got there - they were rehearsing. I got some video footage (as little bro requested) - and hung out waiting for the show to start. The Trans Ams didn't even make it to the stage until after 1am! This old body (& back!) is not wanting to stand around and listen to punk rock for 5 hours anymore! :) I think the boys had a really good time - it was a good trip.

Sunday - after 6 hours of sleep at Justin's girlfriend's apt - Lonny and I headed back to Minneapolis. We were hoping to be back in time for the Vikings - but didn't quite get up early enough! We did, however, make it back before 1/2 time. My Sun. afternoon plans were changed - and I ended up going to the Renaissance Festival with Heidi! (& Baxter & Bella!!) It was a good time - and I don't know who wanted the turkey leg more - Heidi- or the babies!

Monday - spent the day in a district meeting. Left meeting to bring my car into Scion ("check engine" light on again) but Scion didn't seem worried. Whatever. I'll bring it in again next week - cuz i'm sure the light just won't magically turn off (as Jeremy @ the service desk seemed to think. ANYWAY - came home to meet Heidi AGAIN - and off we were to see the TWINS! It was a good game to be at - as the TWINS clinched a playoff berth. HOWEVER, I missed most of the game due to issues. OH yeah! And guess who was there?? Genevieve and Lynch! Good thing we ran into them - cuz they kept Heidi company as I ran in and out of the bathroom!

Today - spent the day in a building meeting. (wow - when do i get to TEACH again??) Worked the soccer games tonight - and JUST got home - to THREE Victoria Secret underpants chewed up on the living room floor! Huh. Nothing like losing three pairs of $5 underwear to end a long day.

Ugggg. I gotta get to bed - the rest of this week is pretty busy. Two more nights of soccer - then the shower. Life is fun!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Dog Park

Yesterday and today were beautiful! I took Baxter and Bella to our local dog park (didn't drive all the way down to Minnehaha) yesterday and today after work. We brought our tennis ball and throwy thingy and tired ourselves out!

Yesterday we found a new friend who may even be Baxter's biological brother. This big guy looked just like Baxter - just a little taller - and a little blacker. He even had a purple collar on! Hunter's mom said she rescued the lab/dane mix from an abusive home - and that he was around 4 years old as of this past spring. WOW! I told her we got Baxter from the Humane Society - knew he was brought in with his mom and littermates - and was born in March 2002! So - even if they're not brothers - they had a fun time bouncing around and playing. We hope to run into them again sometime!

Today we went again - brought a new ball (cuz we lost the one yesterday) - and played again. The park was very busy - but we found a spot a little away from the crowd to throw the ball. Bella started getting so tired that she actually plopped herself down in hole to chill out. I figured we were done playing fetch - so started walking again. Who did I see across the puppy playground - and through about 30 dogs running around - Bryan Raymond. He was there with his dog Tori (named for Tori Hunter). He and his wife just had a baby July 29th! I told him about Alice and we chatted about our dogs - and that's about it.

Dog park days are good - cuz sleepy puppies like to go to bed early and cuddle with mom! So - off I go - Baxter's already snoring!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Back To School Catch-Up

Well - I guess we have some readers - so it's time to get caught up with the blogging! Here's the scoop on my last 4 weeks:

1. Visit from Parents

Mom and dad came in August to meet Alice. We had a great time - and now they know what they're missing by living so damned far away! Looking at this family pic - I can't believe how much Alice has GROWN since this was taken just FOUR weeks ago!

2. State Fair

Wow - this seems AGES ago - but I went to the fair with my Little Red Hens on Labor Day. We were up early - and even tho Julie had a REALLY bad back -we ate our way pretty much thru everything we wanted to eat! The hotdish on a stick was AWESOME!

3. Back to School

The 06-07 school year has started - and has kept me very busy! I'm teaching new classes again - so I have to think a little more about what I'm going to do each morning, meetings are driving me nuts!, and I have a new room(s)! - BUT - my kids are good - and I love my co-workers - so that helps a lot. I am (for the 4th year!) working as Site Manager for varsity boys and girls soccer - so that keeps me busy some evenings.

4. Ann's 30th

Last Thursday Ann turned 30 - and some friends of hers threw a party for her at Cafe Havana downtown. It was a good time - but I outlasted the birthday girl! What the heck??? :) (PS - this place is WORTH checking out - just for the free valet!)

(Oh yeah - and I got my hair cut and colored - as you can see from the birthday pic - Lonny hates it. I like it.)

5. Crafty Sunday

Sunday was the Little Red Hens' 2nd Crafty Sunday. It was a good time. Julie and I started it out in the morning - she came over - we took the dogs out for a walk - stopped @ Lon's to pick him and Alice up - walked up to Audubon - got coffees/chai - and walked home. We leisurely started crafting - Heidi joined us - then friend Terry came and then cousin/sis Michele. We chatted and talked some crap - and then I got to cookin. We had curry - and for my 3rd attempt - I was a little bummed - (I think I've done better) - but they said it was good - so I guess I'll live with that. (leftovers tonight! yum!)

This week (& next) will be very busy - Lonny and I are going to Fargo on Sat. for a Trans Ams reunion show. Should be a blast. I'll try to keep up - and blog about it when I get back!