Sunday, July 26, 2009

Alice's 3rd Birthday Weekend

Alice celebrated a lot this year - which is pretty cool considering this is the year that she really "got it" that it was her special day! She kicked off the celebrating by bringing treats to school on Thursday (actually she had a "birthday" when my mom and dad were here too - so I guess it's been a REALLY long birthday!) Anyway! Saturday was her birthday BBQ - which was pretty small - but awesome. She had a blast - and loved playing with her cousin Zach.

Alice entertaining the Mauch/Olesens

Cousins Cousins Cousins (Julie, Bridget, Jeff, & Cece)

Happy Birthday to YOU!

Birthday Princess

Sunday was her actual birthday. For the actual day - she dressed in her 3-year-old princess outfit - and we headed to her favorite place for dinner. . .Perkins. Lonny3 did pretty well out in public - so that was a gift for all of us! :)

Cutest Family Ever after Alice's birthday dinner

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wilebski Family Reunion

We rented a Ford Expedition and headed north to attend the Wilebski Family Reunion in Lancaster. This year the Joe Wilebski family hosted - so JoeyIII and his wife Peggy hosted on their farm! Awesome games, visiting, and food . . .exactly what a family reunion should be!

Jon and his niece Abigail

Alice got to pet a donkey!

. . .she also made art projects. . .

. . .played games. . .

. . .rode a pony. . .

. . .and went on a miniature horse and carriage ride with Abby. Not too shabby!

I got to hang out with my "big girl" cousins!

May 1974 was a good time to be born. . .specifically - May 3rd (Lonny), May 4th (Chad), and May 5th (Jill).

Alice also bonded with another 2nd cousin - Emily!

The Cutest Family Ever LOVES hanging out on the farm. :)

Alice took this pic of Emily taking a pic of Alice. . .


The Larry Jerome Family

The Jim Jerome Family

Mary Joy (Jerome) Montury Family

Pyllis (Jerome) Sjostrand Family

Lon Jerome Family

Mary (Wilebski) Jerome's Family squinting into the sun

Jerome Cousins

Jerome Siblings

Jerome 2nd Cousins

Hanging Out with Grandma and Grandpa

Dad & Auntie Marie

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Family Foto Fun

Jaymie came over to take a few casual shots of our updated family. It was a joyous occasion. A good time was had by all. Hilarity ensued. Maybe you'll be seeing the actual "chosen" photo in a Christmas card this winter. . . . stay tuned! :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Meet Lonny3 BBQ

A bunch of family and friends came over to meet Lonny3. It was a great time!

Kyla tries to keep up with Hannah.

Grandma, Mary Joy, and Valorie oversee the festivities.

Grandpa checks on Lonny's grilling abilities.

Caleb and Alice discuss the rules before the big game.

I guess Kyla and Paige forgot their swimsuits! :) :)

Alice and Lonny3 with Great Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa & The Jeromes

Grandma and Grandpa & The Sanners

Grandpa & a bunch of Sanner Girls

The Cutest Girls at the Party :)

Every party is more fun with a game of Sack. :)