My 2nd trip to the State Fair was a Little Red Hen event. We volunteered first thing Saturday morning - in the Moo Booth thru Land-O-Lakes. It was a good time - and the time passed quickly! Julie worked some trivia game - aka - everyone wins a cheap-o prize gig. . .whilst Heidi and I paired up for the kiddie area - and then the baby calf area. Chester was a HIT with the kids!! (and me too!) :)
Julie workin' the Wheel
Fresh and ready to hit the Fair!
We are always on the look-out for Alpacas at the Fair! :) :) :)
Heidi couldn't resist a foot-long weiner!
We're works of art!
We ended up staying at the Fair ALL. DAY. - which isn't typical for us - but it was a great time! Donnie joined us in the afternoon - and Heidi took off - to finish off this year's event. I am pretty sure I ate everything I intended to eat - including Walleye Cakes - which were DELICIOUS! - and Deep Fried Snickers on a Stick - worth trying once - but not again - unless a GROUP of friends want to share - as ONE bite is all one needs!! :)
Tuckered out - and ready to go home!