Sunday, April 29, 2007


I officially became a part of the craft fair with this collaboration with my brother. Here are our Unitus Dolls - Lonny designed and screen printed them - I sewed them - we both stuffed and finished them. I'm pretty proud of what we accomplished. I think we got a bunch of "first timer" bugs out - and truly - even tho they were a lot of work - I'm looking forward to the next edition of dolls!

Yesterday's craft fair was fun. And. . . I really wasn't IN the fair much. In the past I have helped Lon and Jaime - by giving them breaks for bathroom, to get food, so they can look around at other booths. . . but yesterday I spent most of the time outside with Alice. She's a Rock Star when it comes to being cute and cuddly ALL DAY LONG! Inside the fair - Alice and I checked out some of the booths and sat and listened to the Roe Family Singers - and MY niece - who was the youngest kid sitting there - was clapping along to the beat and clapping at the end of each song! (She's freakin' talented!)

Alice and I also tooled around the State Fairgrounds in her stroller, took two naps, and played with toys on a blanket in the grass. The first time she got cranky was when we were actually packing up to go home - but it was way past her dinner time - and she was ready to EAT!

We've all had a long couple of days - and pretty much crashed last night. Now it's Sunday - the craft fair is over - and I need to CLEAN MY HOUSE! :)

Happy Sunday!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

3rd Grade Friend

So I found an old classmate of mine on MySpace. GEEZ that's so cool! I found Heidi B. She was in my 3rd grade class in Bellflower, IL! Totally cool! We've exchanged a few messages - she's divorced and has a 10 year old son. She gets along with her ex, used to own a bar, now works in the AG field. Anyway. Those of you who know me well - know I love that kinda stuff! (Oh yeah - and found my Bellflower babysitter's brother too!) Ok - don't tell Lonny I was blogging . . I should be sewing! Back at it then!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Pictures from Vegas

OK! Here are some of my best shots from Spring Break!

Mom and Alice enjoying the beautiful Las Vegas weather.

The "Jerome Kids" on vacation.

Grandma and Grandpa are so freaking excited to have Alice in Vegas - they almost can't stand it!

We went out to dinner one night. Mom showed off her casino. :)

Alice loves Grandma's casino too!

I LOVE this photo. What a beautiful family!

We're ready to head back to Minneapolis.

Alice played as much as she could before we had to get on the plane. (She was a pro on both plane rides - slept most of the time - played quietly for the rest!)

Back in Minnesota for Easter, we had a small celebration - I made dinner (mom's Sunday Rice Krispie Chicken and Potatoes) at Lon and Jaime's.

All in all a short but sweet - and very relaxing - Spring Break!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

An Old Friend

(For you faithful readers - pics and stories from Vegas are coming soon. . . but first . . . )

I had a blast tonight with my dear friend Tracy. She said it too - it's like - we haven't seen each other in a LONG while (like I'm thinking over a year) - yet when we get together it's like no time has passed! I just went over to her house after work - we visited - I got to see her girls - we snacked - the girls played (aka "showed off for Carrie") - JC brought BW3 home from work - we watched Survivor - caught up on some gossip - and seriously - I had a great time.

Here's my favorite all-time picture of Tracy. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding - and someone got a great shot of her trying to keep cool in that heavy Renaissance dress. She was adorable that day in '99 - AND - she's still adorable today! She's a wonderful mom, wife, teacher, and friend. (Love ya Tracy!)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Spring Break

Spring Break has started!

Actually, I kinda started it a little early - last Thursday night. Amy, Becky & Miriam came over after work for our first official "Girls Night." It was a lot of fun - but we paid for it Friday. (The kids didn't have school - but we had to go in to work for a 1/2 day of grading and stuff.)

Friday (still sick - at this point -it was day #6 of this damn cold!) - went to TWolves with LRH#1 (aka JULIE).

Slowly but surely - we all got moving Saturday to get on the road to Detroit Lakes. Jaime, Lon, Alice and I joined the rest of the "Hunter Girls" for our (almost) yearly reunion. We played some cards, ate, visited, and even introduced Alice to a swimming pool. (not so much yet) :)

We drove home Sunday in slushy/rainy weather. Well! I guess that was our hint to Get Outta Dodge! :)

We left for Vegas last night - Alice did great on the plane! - she slept! :) Now we're up and moving - actually the Jerome/Olesen's are napping - but we're here - and enjoying the sun and 70/80 degree day!

Stay tuned for Spring Break updates! :)