Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Spring Break

Spring Break has started!

Actually, I kinda started it a little early - last Thursday night. Amy, Becky & Miriam came over after work for our first official "Girls Night." It was a lot of fun - but we paid for it Friday. (The kids didn't have school - but we had to go in to work for a 1/2 day of grading and stuff.)

Friday (still sick - at this point -it was day #6 of this damn cold!) - went to TWolves with LRH#1 (aka JULIE).

Slowly but surely - we all got moving Saturday to get on the road to Detroit Lakes. Jaime, Lon, Alice and I joined the rest of the "Hunter Girls" for our (almost) yearly reunion. We played some cards, ate, visited, and even introduced Alice to a swimming pool. (not so much yet) :)

We drove home Sunday in slushy/rainy weather. Well! I guess that was our hint to Get Outta Dodge! :)

We left for Vegas last night - Alice did great on the plane! - she slept! :) Now we're up and moving - actually the Jerome/Olesen's are napping - but we're here - and enjoying the sun and 70/80 degree day!

Stay tuned for Spring Break updates! :)


Mama Kautz said...

I am soooo jealous you are where it is warm!! and with Alice Mae...she isn't even my neice and I want to give her neices are all grown and one has kids of her own already...sheeeeesh LOL enjoy LV

Grandpa Jerome said...

When are you going to update your blog.

I Love You,
