Another Friday with Alice! It was fun - and started out in the usual way: We headed out to Maple Grove's Barnes and Noble for story time.
(Side bar): There was a line all the way down the block - and I was worried we weren't going to get in! Turns out these people were waiting for their wristbands - placing them in order to get their copies of Harry Potter (book 7!) tonight - wow - in like 28 minutes!! I'm sure there are Wizard Parties all over the US right now!! (You know what's weird - as I was getting out the stroller and getting Alice organized to head into Barnes and Noble - these two guys are walking out of Gander Mountain - and upon noticing the long queue one remarked to the other, "Geez, all that for a book!". . .and I'm thinking - YAH, ya stupid redneck-GanderMtn shoppin-deer killin-hick! - all this for a BOOK - I'm sure that he doesn't think twice when he and his buddies are lining up with their lawn chairs to race to the best spot for WE Fest. Anyway - this little rant makes me sound madder than I am. . .but I think "YAY!! Look at all the people rushing to buy and READ a 700+ page book!! (and they've probably read the other 6 too!) How great is this series - that it has sparked this much interest in READING!!!". . and then red-neck comments remind me that not all people embrace literacy as much as normal people do . . . and I sigh.
So - Story time was busy too! I kinda thought that the Harry Potter buzz brought out the little sibs too - but really it was probably because MAISY was there!! We sat and heard our regular 4-5 books - and then Maisy came!! We all got in line to hug Maisy and take pictures. I was a little nervous that Alice would not be happy with this - but she did fine - except for at the exact moment this photo was taken - she was doing that little shake "what's behind me?" thing.
We then did some more shopping - including a walk to Arbys for something more substantial (the cheerios were going down way too fast). At Arbys, Alice and I shared a Roast Beef and some water. Right around the corner from us sat a group of 4-5 high school-aged boys. They were having a great time. I didn't get much of WHAT they were talking about - but they were laughing and enjoying themselves. So. . .Alice had to get into it too - and was belly-laughin' right along with them. .which made me laugh . .which made Alice laugh more. .(you know what I'm talking about Jaime!! - parallel parking!)
Well - we finished off the day by heading home for milk and playing .. no naps. sigh. (ok - maybe I dozed for a bit . .but I'm pretty sure she was right next to me on the floor the whole time!) :)
Sounds like a fun day.
Mom is busy getting ready to start packing and I am heading out for a walk.
Nice stories and pictures. I will send you a joke later.
MAISY!!! I am so jealous!! and for Harry Potter....I have a "hangover" We got home at 2 this morning. Joey did NOT sleep at all, well until 6 am when he woke me from my 3 hours of slumber....I ::gasp:: took his book away 'til he slept. A whole 3 hours and some of his psychology class done, he got the book back. I will post pics of the costume contest later, and of Joey's shirt hee hee
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