Thursday, September 20, 2007

Crappy Day

Well - it's been awhile and I have tons to blog - but for tonight - I'm just venting.

How can people can be so rude and inconsiderate - and just plain wrong?? I was at school until about 4:30pm tonight. I was to be across the street to work CPHS's soccer games - and was running a few minutes late. I arrived at my car only to find that someone - with a red vehicle - had either backed into or ran into my front driver's side. (Ahh yes - I had arrived at school so early - as to be able to occupy the "first spot" in my row - leaving my whole driver's side open to the elements. . .and idiots.)

Yes - for those who know - I JUST got my car back LAST FRIDAY from being in the shop!!! Dear Melanie had accidentally backed into my front passenger's side - and after 4 days at the body shop - I was able to pick up my baby last Friday after school.

Looks like I'll be calling Luther Auto Body again. . only this time - it's on me - as the butthead who did this didn't have the decency to own up to it. I get it - accidents happen - but come on people - who raised you?? How - with a clear conscience - could you just drive away after smucking up someone else's property?? Well - that little smuck is about the size of a softball - and there's beautiful red paint left where moron met Scion - and I'm not even looking forward to calling Insurance Man Sean about this one. *Sigh* As mom said, it could have been worse. I could have been in an accident. I wasn't. I'm ok. Truly - my car's ok - just a little banged up. It will be ok. I'll get her fixed up - and hopefully my little cutie will be just as good as new (again). (for the third time).


Melissa said...

THAT SUCKS!!!!!! What a crappy to end to a school day! :(

I'll be on the lookout for you.....and pounce on any thug I see in a red car who looks even remotely suspicious in the parking lot!

The nerve!


Grandma said...

I am glad it is just a dent in a Scion, and not in you!!! It does suck, but there are lots of idiots out there! You would not have done that and driven off - but you're a good person. Not everyone is. Unfortunately, they live all over the world!

We love you, even with dents,

Mama Kautz said...

that so sucks!! how frustrating...hopefully they will be overridden with guilt and come forward...