Sunday, March 02, 2008

Weekend in St. Paul

I spent Friday, Saturday, and Today in St. Paul!


After work on Friday, I headed up to Andover to pick up Beth, her friend, and her brother and headed downtown. We met Jaymie at Rice Park - and enjoyed the rest of the evening at the Excel. Jaymie's company has a box at the Excel - so we purchased some seats from which to enjoy the State Wrestling Tournament. Even tho we shared Friday night with some friends of Jaymie's coworker - it was still a good time.

Saturday was more of the same - this time Hayden and kids joined us - and we had the box to ourselves.


I joined Lon/Jaime/Alice to their first ever trip to the Children's Museum. (Sesame Street exhibit is in town - and we wanted to catch it.) So much fun was had by all - that while eating lunch we decided to go back to the box office - to put our day's fee toward a family package (with the $20 "Caregiver/Nanny" add on for ME!) And except for the fact that the dork wouldn't count my paid admission into the package (as I didn't have the receipt for the CASH transaction - and standing there IN the place - with my Museum sticker displayed didn't count for much) - SO - other than that - boom badda boom - we are now "Members" and can go whenever we want - for FREE! These pictures are proof positive that today's money and membership fee was well worth it all - and will pay for itself many times over in the next 12 months!!

Cutest Family Ever on their way to the Best DAY ever!

Probably her favorite spot - the Water Room.

Balls and Water?!?!?!? Say it ain't so!!

Sittin' on the steps to Susan & Gordon's apartment

She's dancing to "C is for Cookie"

Daily - "Big Fun" takes place in the Atrium. Music, Props, Toddlers.

More Big Fun

. . . Ok, and moms and dads (& aunties) can have Big Fun too!


Grandma said...

What a fun weekend! And Alice was having so much fun at the Children's Museum she didn't even need her "baba"... :)


jb said...

moments like these make me miss having little kids - then I remember the rest and can't wait for the nest to empty :)

Anonymous said...

Rock On for Alice! That's great that she got "into" the Children's Musuem. Gotta get that culture thing going early! Totally looks like she had a blast....even her dad! tee hee hee


Grandpa Jerome said...

Great Pictures!

Thanks for the update.



Jaime said...

I love the "Big Fun" dancing action shot! Let's do it again next month!

Mama Kautz said...

HOW FUN!!! We used to go to the Children's Museum in Spokane all the time. Alice didn't meet Elmo?