Saturday, April 12, 2008


So the night was just about perfect! Here's a quick backstory: This group of 8th graders (my 3rd/4th hour) has had a hard year as far as getting to class on time, being prepared, and in general respecting others. Together, we came up with an incentive plan to make the 2nd half of the year go a little smoother than the 1st. I didn't have an exact plan - but I knew I wanted to something with sports - basketball being the preference. With only a few weeks before the end of the season, I called (Season Ticket Holder) Cousin Julie to see if she could get in touch with her contact with the Wolves. Wolves Contact Lindsay wasted no time in contacting me. Our initial conversations centered around some nosebleed seats for cheap - with a possibility of watching warm ups, standing where the players enter the court for high-fives, and maybe even a professional photo of our group on the court. I took the info to my AP who said he'd try to get the money for me and to do it. With less than a week before game day (and a whole month and a half left of the school year) - I almost gave up - thinking I couldn't reward them too early. But, I called Lindsay anyway - and not 2 minutes into the conversation she announced she was going to comp the 9 tickets I needed, and that she could get me some very good seats! With tears in my eyes, and a crack in my voice, I thanked her over and over - and booked the trip! :) The kids found out Monday that we were going to Wednesday's game - and YES, they all had signed permission slips turned in by Wed!! (yes, probably the only assignment they ALL got in on time!)

Our trip started a little later than planned - as 3 of my students played in 8th gr. basketball games themselves. As I ran to get our FREE van (yes - the bus company DONATED the van to us!) - Amy (from Anoka) supervised 4 of our students whilst watching a 5th play at Jackson. I picked that crew up after the game - and we all headed to Anoka for 2 more students who were playing "away." Finally, a little after 6pm we were headed downtown (not before a quick drive thru McDonalds for cheeseburgers and fries - to go with our store-bought chips and Orange soda). We parked in the ramp and headed into the Target Center - and were in our seats shortly after 7pm.

Ahh yes, our seats! Umm - those free tickets were in rows D & E. Yeah. We could see the sweat rolling off the player's faces! Amy made signs for us to wave - and we ended up on the jumbo-tron TWICE!

A buddy of my AP's donated $50 for snacks - so the kids also got to go get some treats. Two boys spent wisely and got "Timberwolves Yearbooks" - but others got cotton candy, sodas, and one resourceful stinker got an entire meal. I was out getting snacks with the girls - and came back to our seats where the 2 40something gents behind us were handing my boys $5 bills! I looked at Amy - "what the heck?!?!?" - turns out the boys had caught free dinner coupons that fell from the blimp thingy - and the guys offered cash to the teens who would never need the downtown coupons. (whew!)

Everything about the game was great to the kids! They loved Crunch, the Cheerleaders!, the time-out activities, and of course the basketball - even tho the Wolves lost! After the game - we took a couple of group shots in the stands - but soon found ourselves being ushered onto the court - because Amy had the courage to ask an usher if we could nab that shot! TOTALLY COOL! (oh yeah, and during all that craziness - who came up to me - College Roomie Kevin!! He had seen me on the jumbo-tron and came over to say hi!!)

SO we got the cool shot on the court - then made our way back to the parking ramp . . . and of course - took advantage of some cheerleaders leaving at the same time - got some autographs and posed pics!!! Check out this happy boy!!

I only almost got into ONE accident downtown in a van full of 8th graders (EEK!) - and only almost hit THREE deer on 109th Ave right in front of our school after dropping off all the kids at their homes . . . and only spent about 20 minutes at the bus shed trying to lock up that damn gate! . . .yadda yadda yadda. . I was home by 11:30pm!

The kids had a blast - they've started their Thank You letters - and now - I hold pictures over their heads! They have to keep 50 stars on our bulletin board in order to get copies of our awesome pictures!

Oh yeah - and for those of you who wonder about my other class: Before this trip even came about - I talked to them (5th/6th hour) about the issues we were having in the other (3rd/4th hour) class. I told them that we had started this star-earning incentive - and that there'd be a reward. They were totally cool with it - as we talked about how we didn't have the same problems in 5th/6th hour - and that we would do something cool too because they did what was expected without being asked. They actually would like to do something a little more low-key - maybe going to a movie or having a pizza party. (easy for me!) . . My dad thinks I should contact the TWINS to see if they would do anything for me. . . we'll see. . . pushing it into summer might work out better for me anyway! . . . we'll see. . . .


Heideldy Deideldy said...

That is soooo awesome Carrie! I am so thrilled that the Wolves took care of you and the kids. I am sure that will definitely be a highlight of their lives!

Grandma said...

You are such an awesome teacher! I hope some day (and it might be when they're in their 30's) those kids realize how lucky they were to be in your class.

Love you,

Grandpa Jerome said...

Way to go Carrie!

Yup, I think a phone call to the Twins is in order, the great American past time, what better way to introduce your kids to America?

Hope it works out.

By the way, great job on this adventure, and I agree with Heidi, the kids will remember this for the rest of their lives.

I am very proud of you,


Mama Kautz said...

We need more teachers like you Carrie...wanna move to Idaho??? AWESOME!!

Jon N. said...

Cheerleaders! Mmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

Carrie = Best Teache EVER!!! You rock!!

Katie C.

jb said...

um - I finally blogged - your turn

Jon N. said...

This post is so old some of those cheerleaders are grammas now!!

Heideldy Deideldy said...

Ahhhh YEAHHHH lame-o on the blogging lately! Whassup? You found a man or something????