Thursday, June 12, 2008

Vegas - Day 2

We started our first morning in Vegas in the sun. We baked outside in the morning sun in my parents' back yard. What a morning! Sun and mountains and friends!

Tonight is going to be hard to top as mom scored us PRIMO seats to Elton John!! (As cameras were not allowed in the theater - I have no photos - however Scandalous Andrea snuck her camera out enough time to capture some shots - so I'm sure she'll force me to post them eventually .. ) :)

Mom (who took off 4 days to hang with us this week!) brought us to the strip where we enjoyed fruity drinks outside of Caesars, some light gambling, a stop at Elton's gift shop, and a few more drinks before entering the show.

Elton was AWESOME! The show was a little on the weird side - but he was a great perfomer! How cool that the show that he probably has done a ton of times - was so lively and fresh - like he was so glad we came!

After the show - we walked around a bit - to let the traffic die down. We checked out the fountains at Bellagio, gambled a teenie bit more, and then headed back to mom and dad's. Fun night!

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