Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Greg and Mary with grandkids (minus Jim's Zach)

A great time was had by all! I hung out with my Nordin cousins all day. We had a wonderful meal, a rowdy game of Outburst, and lots and lots of laughing! Without further ado - here's who else made the trek to Heidi's place:

Travis, Zach, Don, Julie

Kelsey, Adam, Abby, Jim, Michele

Jon, Genevieve, & Baby Nordin :)

Me and Heidi

Carl and Ellie stopped by later - after having dinner at Ellie's daughter's house.

Heidi and I snapped the wishbone - SMACK down the middle!

The Little Red Hens - Julie and I hung out to finish our movie (Batman Begins) before we took off for Julie's house - ahem - after a stop at Michaels. :)

I hope you all enjoyed your day with yummy food and lots of loved ones!

1 comment:

jb said...

I got such a good deal on beads!!!! First time I ever shopped ON Thanksgiving.

btw - LRH's are HOT :)