Saturday, December 13, 2008

"Bob & Sue's House, Cookie Party. . . " as sung by Alice Mae

We spent mom and dad's 2nd day in MN running around and being festive! The morning brought us all to Blaine for a wonderful brunch at Bob and Sue's house. Grandma wasn't feeling well, so we didn't get to see them quite yet, but it was a great time of chillin' with family.

After brunch, the Jerome's all went their separate ways. Lon and Jaime went to Who Made Who for their 1st Birthday Bash. Mom and Dad had some shopping to do. Alice and I went to Jaymie's in Andover for her 2nd (?) Annual Cookie Party. Alice was by far the youngest there, but loved every minute of being with the "big kids."

She "decorated" cookies, ate a few, and ran around the house with all the other kids. Jaymie had all the kids bring ornaments to exchange. We sat around the tree and drew ornaments. After that, all the kids ran upstairs again, while I hung out on the floor with Alice. After about 30 seconds, she grabbed my hand and said, "Ree Ree, let's go to party." And she dragged me back upstairs to play. :) An exhausting afternoon, but as Alice sang later that night, it was a good day, and she wants to "do it again."

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