Sunday, April 05, 2009

Doggie Playdate

Yesterday was a blast. Ole (& Bridget & Jeff, too) came over to play. The puppies tired themselves out - and we enjoyed hanging out - GRILLING for the first time this year - and playing a little Rock Band! Come again soon, Ole!!

This is what Baxter & Ole did for the first hour or so!

"Alice's Rock - Spring"

Bella didn't bother with Baxter & Ole

Alice told Ole & Baxter "You guys have to share!"

Bella Sera - April 4th

Baxter Delmar - April 4th

Alice Mae - April 4th

. . . and here's the backyard this morning - April 5th! Welcome to SPRINGTIME, in Minnesota, Here is your fuel bill, Ha Ha Ha Ha! (mom and dad got that reference :)


Grandma said...

Gotta love it!!!!!

I am so glad I don't live there. We just have wind day after day after day.

Love you,

Heideldy Deideldy said...

yayyyy for blogging!