Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Consider the Economy Stimulated

So, seriously - now that I think about it, truly - I think I've done more than my part to stimulate the economy these past 8 months! Here are some of my more "major" purchases (no - these are not the actual items):

Sept. 08 - bought 1/2 a house

Oct. 08 - installed Invisible Fence (best money spent!!)

Dec. 08 - bought Christmas presents for myself - a craft table & a TV for my bedroom

Jan. 08 - irritated with the length of our new driveway - bought 1/2 a snowblower with Lon/Jaime

Apr. 09? - kaput dryer caused me to buy 2 new dryers - 1st an electric one - only to find out I needed a gas dryer! (thanks again Matt & Bob for helping with the install!!)

May 09 - old grill had pretty much melted - so bought a new one to enjoy the warmer weather

May 09 - annual vet visit (yes, this is a major purchase)

May 09 - frustrated with my inability to master the free riding lawn mower (and afraid I'd actually tip over onto the county road!) - bought a Smart somethin' Self Propelled Push Lawn Mower (yard looks great) :)

May 09 - plane ticket to surprise dad for his 60th birthday!

And some near-future purchases:

June 09? - hopefully will get to re-purchase my recovered iPhoto photos

June/July 09? - a new computer??

July 09 - YAY! a new crown!

. . . . . and that's how I've done my part to save us all!

You're welcome.


Katie/The Family Chef said...

Thanks for all of your sacrifice, Carrie! I know it's been hard to carry turn the whole economic problem around with just your two hands (and your wallet) but you're doing a great job!! (wink wink!)

Katie/The Family Chef said...

Hmmm...I am full of typos lately. Take the "carry" out of that second sentence!! :p

Grandma said...

American needs more spenders like you!

We'll help out, too - our microwave just died, so we'll do some shopping this weekend. Then we have to figure out what is causing the circuit breaker for the guest bathroom to blow.... Isn't it fun to be a homeowner?

Love you,

Grandma said...

It is typo Thursday - take the n off American, too!

Heideldy Deideldy said...

Rock On Carrie! Way to think positive about stimulating the economy! I think I am up there with you!

jb said...

you make me wanna shop til I drop :)