Sunday, December 20, 2009

Movie #1 - The Blind Side

So Mom and Dad gave me the coolest gift for this Christmas! 24 movies at AMC!! (actually - it's a gift card - but I'm using it as MOVIES (aka - I won't buy popcorn with them!) . . .

So - I plan to blog about the 24 movies that I will see at AMC this year! Starting with this one .. .

The Blind Side

The plan was for me to meet up with Julie and Genevieve at the 10:55am showing of The Blind Side. I was a little late because I had to shovel/snowblow my driveway . . . .

When I finally got to the theater - I had to stand in line (about 5 min) to buy my ticket. . . met Julie and Gen at the snacks. . .got into the shortest line (ughhhh) and 20 minutes later(!!!!) finally had popcorn and soda (1/2 diet, 1/2 cherry) :) :) :)

So - frustrating start - but the movie totally made up for it! Great movie. . .cried a few times . . . cool that it's not really over . . as the real Michael Oher is still living his story!!

After the movie - we went to Big Bowl for lunch. . .I veered off my normal path of kung pao noodles - and had the lettuce wraps (shoulda stuck with my usual) :( . . .

After saying goodbye to Gen - Julie and I did a little shopping - which was good - cuz Lonny is TOTALLY done now!

Grade for the Movie = A
Grade for the Experience = C+


Katie/The Family Chef said...

I love this idea you have! I also love that you are rating not only the movie but also the experience. :) Can't wait to read more!! :)

Melissa said...

I so want to see this movie! Love your review! :)