Ok - Tagged by Cousin Katey - It was a "department day" - so I was not in the classroom today:
6:10am - Alarm goes off - Rise to see roommate is in bathroom - in shower (snooze alarm - go back to bed for 9 minutes)
6:19 - alarm goes off again - roommate out of shower - I convince dogs they can wait until I'm dressed to go outside.
6:20 - leave cold bedroom (-4 degrees outside) to enter shower. Cold shower - roommate and housemates have apparently already showered.
6:25 - exit frigid water to put pjs back on - and attempt to "beautify" myself.
7:00 - exit bathroom to dress (crap - had hoped to be OUT THE DOOR by 7!!)
7:04 - completely dressed in "not seeing the kids today hoodie and jeans"
7:05 - put on jacket and shoes to bring dogs outside for "potty"
7:15 - back inside for treats and last minute grabbing of coffee - CRAP - creamer has chunks! - empty coffee mug - assess time - maybe if I hurry I can stop at Holiday on way to meeting!
7:19 - in car - thank god - no scraping needed!!
7:20 - leaving neighborhood - no time for my Holiday - will see how traffic goes - maybe I can stop in Anoka for coffee
7:37 - arrive in Anoka - traffic not bad - but meeting starts in 7 minutes - I will make this quick -
7:38 - stop at Sinclair for gas station coffee (and maybe a snack - as I rushed out without breakfast!!)
7:40 - no flavored cream - ughh - I passed
7:45 - arrive to meeting ON TIME!
10:25 - 1st half of meeting completed - uggh - we ran late - only 5 minutes of break before I have to be at the next part! Run to pee - and fill up water bottle (no coffee - and only a baggie of carrots consumed so far!)
10:30 - meet with 1 of 5 Elementary ESL Lead Teachers (transitioning 5th graders) - (colleague Joe is next to me - meeting with another Elementary Teacher from a 2nd school to help get this all done in one day!
11:55 - finished with that ONE school - Joe finished 2 smaller schools -
12:00 - leave building for lunch (YAY!) - made our way to Chipotle
12:10 - I don't like Chipotle - so I walk to neighboring Quizno's for a sub
12:15 - with toasted sub, baked chips, and diet pepsi in hand, enter Chipotle to enjoy lunch with the other Deptartment Leaders
12:28 - as teachers do, we were all done eating in less than 15 minutes
12:29 - what to do? - we find some things (unfortunately school-related) to talk about
12:50 - pile in cars to return to Anoka's meeting
1:00 - meet with 4th Elementary ESL Lead (only 1 of her 6 students will actually be registering as ESL next year) - heh - takes about 5 mintues
1:05 - meet with 5th and final Elementary Lead - had a lot of great questions - ended up bringing our (long-winded) Director in on our discussion
2:00 - pack up transition materials - head to Jackson
2:20 - enter parking lot @ Jackson - see Para Amy heading out - she gives me the "call me" sign
2:25 - enter office, turn on computer, call Amy's cell
2:30 - find Para Jane - who needs to talk to me
2:40 - walk into Counselors' office to find AP Jill
2:42 - am stopped by Counselor Amy who wants help figuring out how most efficiently to transition/schedule current 6th and 7th graders - is pleased to find out I finished 5th graders today
2:45 - am stopped by AP Becky about 2 7th graders who need a behavior plan because they are in the AP office too much - an missing too much class
2:50 - find AP Jill to talk about ******* (confidential info here) ********
3:10 - final bell rings - school is over
3:11 - stand in hall - talk with Counselor Kim about ******** (confidential info here) ********
3:12 - chat with Retired Teacher Sandy who subbed in my room today - whoops! Didn't leave paper for students to use on Book Report Projects. . .Oh well - they could use the time to READ instead! :) - Independent Reading Assignment/Book Reports DUE NEXT Wednesday - end of quarter next Friday - it's CRUNCH TIME, BABY!
3:15 - Niece Karly arrives to work on homeowork in my office (note - end of quarter crunch!)
3:16 - finally get to emails while Karly organizes her stuff
3:30 - start to compile the 5 spreadsheets from the Elementary ESL Leads into 1 document
3:31 - Karly leaves to go to her locker to get her planner (hmm. . didn't think she'd need that??)
3:35 - Karly returns with planner - which isn't filled out anyway - so yeah, probably not really helpful
4:05 - walk to my classroom where candy bars are stashed in desk drawer . . . . candy is needed
5:45 - Karly finishes math assignment - good time to break to go home
5:50 - enter cold car - yay - no scraping needed (too cold!!)
6:05 - drop Karly off - head for 94
6:30 - arrive home - dogs out to pee
6:40 - check emails/blogs
7:40 - realize dogs have no food - bundle up for Target-run
8:22 - arrive home, feed dogs, go pee myself, sit down to finish blog
8:23?? - EAT DINNER????
. . . and hopefully in bed by 10pm!
IF you blog - and you just read this - TAG - you're IT!
Tagged, smagged, get over it.
Sounds like a very busy, productive day.
Mine was very similar as was Mom's, we are doing the final touches for the reunion.
People are arriving tonight and continuously until Friday night.
We are staying at the hotel starting tomorrow.
I think I need to get real job...your heart rate didn't go up as often as mine AND you get a paycheck....
Yes, paychecks are nice. . .
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