Last night was my 2nd year of joining Jaymie and her fam for V-Day Merriment - and this year I brought Alice! Too bad I didn't get my camera pulled out until after the food was put away - but what.a.great.spread!
Alice loved the chocolate fountain, I loved the oil (with steak cubes dipped in some Asian dip), and the cheese - with crusty bread!
AND - I think it wasn't staying melted very well - but the BANANAS FOSTER! Hello! Where was Jaymie hiding this all night?@?!? This was my absolute fave - using rice krispie squares to dip! YUM! (like I can taste it - just thinking about it!)
After the food was put away - we played Bingo - which was a blast! And yes, Miss Alice loved playing - but also rolling the thing to get the balls out - good times!
Yeah - the Boy is a little strange . . .but awesome with Alice . . so, we'll keep him :)

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