. . . Christmas Gift Continued. . .
Well - part of my gift was actually $5 coupons (that expire today) - so I used two at today's movie . . and then thought about it after - I should have just bought a future ticket! OH WELL! So one less movie on this Christmas gift - but I got to enjoy yummy snacks with the movie.
SO - no one (who wanted to see this ultimate chick flick) could (or wanted to) see this movie at 10am in the morning. . but HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me - I got to go to the movie on my own - and it was fun! The only thing different than when you go with someone - there was no one to talk to about the movie on the way out.
OK - the movie. Valentine's Day. I expected it to be very similar to one of my favorite movies of all time (which I've deemed the Ultimate Chick Flick) - Love Actually. (due to the star studded cast and multiple story lines that intertwine)
The story lines were cute. The ending was predictable - but also cute. Ashton was cute. The little boy was cute. Overall - a fine way to start my birthday . . and a reason to enjoy ranch popcorn!
Grade for the Movie = B-
Grade for the Experience = A
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