Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 2011 in Photos

Ok - so I'm just about a year behind in posting (it's Jan. 2012 right now) . . so to catch up . . I'm just going to put up some pics from the month. :) Enjoy.

The second 1/2 of March consisted of Spring Break (aka - Eagle's Nest and McDonald's Play Dates)and the Hunter Girls Reunion in Detroit Lakes:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Little P's 2nd Birthday Party

My Goddaughter, Little Miss P, turned 2 years old this week - and today was her birthday party! She was way more into her gifts this year - which was fun. . .and she truly enjoyed our gifts. She and her parents came over the other day for some playtime - and P really got into the Toy Story toys that Alice & L3 have. So Lon picked up a Jessie doll for P . .and then I got the 2 movies that she didn't have yet . . and they were a hit! (so much so - that maybe she should have opened that Jessie doll last. . .whoops!) LOVE YOU, P!!!

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

More Birthday Dinner

Third night of eating out for my birthday!!! If you join Benihana's email . . you get a birthday coupon the month of your birthday!! HELLO! Free food!!! So Lon and Jaime came out with me - the kids stayed home with Cassie. We had yummy food - yummy drinks - and since I really wasn't paying for anything - I splurged and got the take-home Ninja beverage holder - and the crew at Benihana rocks!! They sang - they took our picture . . treated me like a birthday girl!! . . . I LOVE my BIRTHDAY!! :)

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

(almost) Sweet Sixteen

Karly and I hung out tonight. I brought her to Jess for new hair for her birthday present . .and then we went to Chili's for dinner and Birthday Brownie with Ice Cream (ahhhh . .YUM!!!) . . . I *heart* her new hair! :) Happy Birthday-in-27-days, Karly Wuhleeze!