Thursday, July 26, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday
Princess Alice!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Fridays with Alice

Another Friday with Alice! It was fun - and started out in the usual way: We headed out to Maple Grove's Barnes and Noble for story time.

(Side bar): There was a line all the way down the block - and I was worried we weren't going to get in! Turns out these people were waiting for their wristbands - placing them in order to get their copies of Harry Potter (book 7!) tonight - wow - in like 28 minutes!! I'm sure there are Wizard Parties all over the US right now!! (You know what's weird - as I was getting out the stroller and getting Alice organized to head into Barnes and Noble - these two guys are walking out of Gander Mountain - and upon noticing the long queue one remarked to the other, "Geez, all that for a book!". . .and I'm thinking - YAH, ya stupid redneck-GanderMtn shoppin-deer killin-hick! - all this for a BOOK - I'm sure that he doesn't think twice when he and his buddies are lining up with their lawn chairs to race to the best spot for WE Fest. Anyway - this little rant makes me sound madder than I am. . .but I think "YAY!! Look at all the people rushing to buy and READ a 700+ page book!! (and they've probably read the other 6 too!) How great is this series - that it has sparked this much interest in READING!!!". . and then red-neck comments remind me that not all people embrace literacy as much as normal people do . . . and I sigh.

So - Story time was busy too! I kinda thought that the Harry Potter buzz brought out the little sibs too - but really it was probably because MAISY was there!! We sat and heard our regular 4-5 books - and then Maisy came!! We all got in line to hug Maisy and take pictures. I was a little nervous that Alice would not be happy with this - but she did fine - except for at the exact moment this photo was taken - she was doing that little shake "what's behind me?" thing.

We then did some more shopping - including a walk to Arbys for something more substantial (the cheerios were going down way too fast). At Arbys, Alice and I shared a Roast Beef and some water. Right around the corner from us sat a group of 4-5 high school-aged boys. They were having a great time. I didn't get much of WHAT they were talking about - but they were laughing and enjoying themselves. So. . .Alice had to get into it too - and was belly-laughin' right along with them. .which made me laugh . .which made Alice laugh more. .(you know what I'm talking about Jaime!! - parallel parking!)

Well - we finished off the day by heading home for milk and playing .. no naps. sigh. (ok - maybe I dozed for a bit . .but I'm pretty sure she was right next to me on the floor the whole time!) :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Weekend at the Lake

Ok - so I was beginning to feel bad that I did not have an answer to the "What are you doing this summer?" question. So - I called up Jaymie and took her up on the standing invite to her camper. So last Friday afternoon - I headed to St. Paul to pick Jaymie up from work. We made our way up to Andover - to find her family not really ready to get on the road. . .like not packed. . and not showered. . .

BUT . . less than an hour later we were headed north.

The weekend with the family (yes, hubby, teenager, tweener, and the boy) was quite the experience. Between sibling battles and fits of whining - I really did get to spend the weekend the way I like to - what I like to do on vacation - RELAX.

I read a lot (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince), watched 3 movies I hadn't seen before, slept in (as much as I could on that so called "bed" I slept on!) :), ate snacks, and just plain "hung out."

Being that we had just had a week of like 90 degree weather - it was weird to not have hot sun to entice us into the water, but on Sunday we were determined to go out in the boat - sun or no sun. Jaymie kept bundled - but the kids and I jumped in the water - and enjoyed the day!

Here we are - still dry - and ready to go.

The boy just couldn't stand that I kept laughing for "no reason." (Sorry W, I guess I laugh out loud when I'm having a good time!!) :)

Here's what happens when the boat slows waaaaaayy down. Tube goes under - and forces you off. . .I apparently found this also hilarious.

NOT so hilarious is this little 70 pounder trying to help me back onto the tube in the middle of the lake. (OK - it's a little funny!)

I had a great time! Thanks, Jaymie and fam, for making my weekend getaway so much FUN!! :)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Library Day and Time With Karly

This past Monday was Library Day for me. Alice and I brought Karly to the Brookdale Library - for a computer class. While Karly was learning all about MySpace - Alice and I played, read books, and made lots of friends. Alice is truly a "People Watcher" - and is very content to watch everyone around her and smile at all the kids who are as equally intrigued by her. :)

Karly also came over yesterday - we brought the pups to the little dog park - and then today we went with Haydens and Bushkes to see the new Harry Potter movie! YAY! - VERY GOOD! Now to finish Book 6 - so I can buy Book 7 next week!! (YES Katey!! - you should read all of the books!!)

Sunday, July 08, 2007

First Week of July

It's been a long but fun week - here are the highlights:

Tues. July 3rd . . .

Was the last day of summer school for the week :) YAY - and that night I attended the annual Hayden "3rd of July Party" - that I've missed for the last couple of years. It was fun - lots of kids running around - and lots of smug marrieds.

Wed. July 4th . . .

In bed ALL day with a migrane headache - and then nausea. Vanhtha in bed all day too - must have had that "sympathy" migrane I've heard so much about. . . or he's just really really lazy!! :) However - I did manage to finish the 5th Harry Potter - Order of the Phoenix - just in time for the movie to come out July 11th - hmmm. . reading may not have helped the migrane so much. Also - managed to get to St. Paul (thinking the fresh air would do me good) - to Benicks' for bbq and fireworks. . yummy food - but added to the nausea.

Speaking of Vanhtha - besides sleeping - this is what he does. Plays poker online. And now he got an iPod - so snapped this pic - so I would giggle - as he is also SINGING outloud. :)

Thurs. July 5th . . .

Went into work for JUSTABIT and then met Jaymie for scrapbooking at Archivers and (of course) lunch at Long John Silvers. Made it an early night - trying to take care of whatevertheheckthisis.

Fri. July 6th . . .

Had Alice all day - started with storytime in Maple Grove and then some light shopping. Made it into Dr. . . who gave me antibiodics - to try to get rid of this sinuswhateveritis . . . so we'll see - so far - only 2 days of drugs . . Fri. night I brought movies over to Julie - who was laid up with her foot in a boot having just had bone spur surgery or something or other that morning. . .

This is Alice after drinking milk from her sippy cup - kinda opens her mouth at the corners - and milk pours back out.

Here's a cuter picture of her doing the same thing.

Sat. July 7th . . .

Yes - I did make it to a 07/07/07 wedding! I went up to Shafer, MN for Hayden's sister's wedding. Awesome day - hot as hell - but still beautiful. They really did the outdoor wedding thing well. There were carnival games for kids, hayrides, snowcones, popcorn, and a pig roast. Nobody could say they weren't entertained!!

Driving home from Shafer - I stopped to get a pic of something I saw on the way there - Lady Liberty - in Lindstrom, MN. Yup. (This is for you Heidi!) :)

Sun. July 8th . . . .

Today - hung out here for a bit - waited for Heidi to call - she wanted to hang today - that never happened. . but that's ok - cuz I got to hang out with the Jerome/Olesens. . . and saw Alice in her pool - and ate steak, corn on the cob, and potatoes on the grill. . . .

. . And now. . .procrastinating bed time. . . reality again tomorrow. . .2nd graders. . . lesson plans. . .uh. . whoops. . .gotta go! :)