Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Christmas morning with the family!

I woke up this morning to Lonny calling me like it was "old tyme." Like back in the day when he'd wait as long as he could (usually around 6am) before waking me up to tell me what I got in my stocking. Then we'd both wait as long as we could (usually another hour) before waking mom and dad.

I got dressed and joined the rest of the fam (at Lon & Jaime's) for gifts and Christmas breakfast. We had a nice time before mom and dad had to head out to the airport. I found some time in the afternoon to go to a movie with the Hens - then stopped home to let the dogs out before heading back to Lon's for some leftover Christmas dinner. I just got home - let the dogs out - and now fed them . . but neither puppy ran for the food. Strange . . they should be more than ready for dinner. . . .then I found this.

I guess the puppies couldn't wait for me to get home - they helped themselves to the rest of the orange cookies and donuts from pierogi/cabbage roll making day. Huh. Guess I'll be getting up a few times tonight with sick puppies. We'll see. Ugg.


Saturday, December 23, 2006

Little Red Hens 2

Today was the second annual Polish food making day!

We waited until this weekend so the Queen Hen could join us from Vegas! Mom and dad have been in MN since Wednesday night - and we planned to spend today cooking pierogi and cabbage rolls for Christmas dinners. Heidi arrived around 8:20 this morning . . and the people didn't stop coming! Mom and Dad, Julie, Michele and the girls, Lon & Jaime & Alice, Mary Joy and Greg, Jon and Genevieve - even uncle Jim and cousin Fred stopped by!

We cooked, ate, gossiped, talked sh*t, laughed, and some drank. Some drank more than others. It was fun day as my apartment was full of family and laughing! Baxter and Bella enjoyed being under foot - and loved going outside with grandpa!

Even as we (my generation) are still learning and trying to perfect our ethnic food techniques - we dragged in the NEXT generation. Kelsey and Abby got right into it. I think they enjoyed it - they should have - they did a great job!

Here are the (cool) cousins who hung out today (the Jeromes and Nordins) - including THREE future Hens - Kelsey, Abby, and Alice.

Now for a little relaxation, gift wrapping, and re-grouping! Tomorrow and Monday will be busy days! Merry Little Christmas Eve to you all!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

First Week of December

Ok - It's December again - and it's been a busy week. Last weekend was the craft fair (finally!) - and I got to spend the whole day with Alice! I was kinda bummin'- because I'd figure she'd get cranky - and I'd have to take her home (therefore missing something) . . . but she held out. All day. Like 12 hours. Like I was kinda hoping she'd need to go home and take a nap. I needed a nap. :) It was a great day - I hung out with Alice pretty much the whole time - but also covered for Lon and Jaime when they needed P breaks - and if anyone needed food. Alice and I took a few walks around the place in the stroller - and even a few in the Baby Bjorn. Here's the smiley girl near the end of a long day of fair'n. (This is actually her 2nd outfit - I didn't get my camera out until after she'd messed the cute "Books by J-Me" onesie she had on.

Even though I REALLY could have crawled into bed and slept until Sunday - when I got home from the craft fair - I changed clothes - and waited for Donnie and Julie to come over so we could head out to see Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. It was a great show.

Some highlights:

1. Donnie got a kick ass parking spot (which rubbed off on me the following day).
2. Some guy paid Julie $5 to get the bartender's attention (which almost cost us any relationship we had already established with this cranky guy who needed a break - real bad).
3. We got a spot on the rail - so could actually SEE the band that boasted the most expensive tickets the Triple Rock had ever seen. (yeah - worth it).
4. A good time was had by all - and we deserved it!

Back at school this week (well sort of). Out of the last 10 school days - I've only been in my classroom for 5 of them. What can I say - I like meetings. Lots and lots of meetings. I WAS at school yesterday - to get pumped up for wrestling season (which started last night!). Before I kicked off my 4th(?) (or is it 5th?) season of keeping the books for our high school's home wrestling meets - I ran down to TG to catch Vanhtha's PREMIRE as Girls 9B Basketball coach. He did a good job. His team won. I think he's pretty proud. Maybe even a little giddy. Go V! Here's a pic of him coaching - he was in the zone. Totally.

Ok - so just got back from Lon and Jaime's. Was sufferin' a little "Alice withdrawl." - I hadn't seen her for like four whole days! Anyway - wanna know what the dogs do when they're "starving to death" and mommy isn't home? Yeah - they find the candybar in her school bag that she bought like 2 weeks ago and then forgot about. Know how dogs get to a candybar that's nicely lost in a school bag? They chew it. Yup. A nice little hole. In mommy's favorite bag. Hmmm. Good thing mommy's good with a sewing machine. Naughty puppies. No, dad, I did not beat them - but Baxter was PRETTY guilty looking. I wish I had my camera out when he lowered his head, looked up at me with those pathetic doggie eyes - and tiptoed - not kidding - TIPTOED across the hardwood floor to lick my knees. (That's puppy for "I'm sorry.") Whatever. It's just a bag. And it was probably my fault for not feeding them for 2 hours. Sheesh.

Ok - That's a nice "update" for ya! Happy December!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving in Vegas

I left for Vegas Tuesday night. The flight was pretty uneventful - I even got to watch the new Pirates of the Carribean movie. Even tho it took a long time to get to mom and dad's from the airport - ahem - once we got there - all was well. Mom, Grandma, and I got pedicures on Wednesday and Sue and Bob joined the party on Thursday. Thanksgiving dinner was shortly after Bob and Sue arrived. We ate alot (duh)! We had all the normal stuff - turkey, stuffing, potatoes, yams, cabbage rolls, and potato sausage. And of course - pie! We had the free Pumpkin pie from Santa Fe Station and also cherry.

Of course there were leftovers - so I tried the Pampered Chef recipe I learned just last Monday. (& now mom has leftovers of the leftovers!) Grandma's cousin, Valerie came in from AZ and mom and dad's neighbors, Ed and Lynn, walked down the block for said leftovers. :)

A holiday with Grandma and Grandpa is not complete without many rounds of cards - and this holiday did not disappoint. I think I may be a little ahead - but Christmas is right around the corner - so I'm not counting my nickles just yet!

Here's a favorite shot from my trip. Three generations of cutie pies! Mom, Grandma, and Me.

Coming home on the redeye last night - wasn't terrible. I was bummed that the flight was too late for the movie. I had to listen to my iPod, try to ignore the woman behind me - who couldn't decide if she wanted to or did NOT want to use her tray, and sleep sitting up. Oh well, I made it home - Julie came and picked me up even tho she was comfy and warm in her bed when I landed - and I was in my own bed by 5am.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Becky's Married!

Saturday morning - Amy and I took off for Fargo. We arrived around 3pm - so before we checked into our hotel - I drove Amy around campus a little. I showed her one of my apts and where my dorm once stood. The wedding was at 5pm - a very pretty evening event. (the church was across the street from ANOTHER on of my apartments - so I made Amy check it out as I drove thru the parking lot - also - took the long way home - so drove by my little run-down house I lived in on Main - in total - Amy saw 4 of my former dwellings!) We enjoyed the reception that followed - and even enjoyed retiring a little early to the hot tub and some beers. Either our age showed a little - or the fact that we weren't with a big party group - I think we were in bed - watching TV by 10:30! It was a fun weekend - some girl chat and bonding . . . oh yeah, and of course - Becky's married now.

Friday, November 17, 2006

It's A Boy!

Luca Stefano was born November 15th in Thailand.
He weighed in at 7.04 lbs.

Luca and Mommy

Luca and Daddy

Welcome to the world Luca! - I can't wait to meet you!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Crazy Night

Ok - yesterday (Tuesday) was kind of a crappy day at work. To say I was crabby is an understatement. Pretty much anything that could go wrong, did - and I didn't like the kids too much - so that didn't help.

The night was looking like a beacon of light in an otherwise yukky day. My boss from soccer/wrestling had called me and asked if I'd like tickets to Tues. night's Wolves game. I'm like - heck ya! I ended up taking Paul with me - I mean come on - Wolfies and Vikes - they're kinda our thing. (ok - were - but it was still fun).

Anyway - so we get there - our tix are up in Timbuktoo - like row P in some corner section - but hey! We were at the game - and it was free! I had paid $9 to park - but hey - the tickets were free - and I had visions of a Dome Dog (or whatever they call those huge slabs of hot dog at the Target Center) dancing in my head. Except for new seats and scoreboard - it was kinda like we remembered it. I spent the pre-game watching the cheerleaders and Crunch more than anything else. I actually enjoy the non-basketball entertainment that goes on at the T-Wolf games - and I was telling Paul about how Crunch comes to our school's "Pride Rally" and kinda takes over - and acts like the "emcee" - yadda yadda yadda - and how he was great at the Wolves scrimmage that was at CPHS a few weeks ago. (ok - I Heart Crunch)

Not too long after that - Here Comes My Man walking up the steps to our nosebleed section! Paul nudges me and says here's my chance to "high five" my hero. Well - Crunch didn't high five me - but he pointed at the two of us and held up 2 fingers. We're like "yeah - two of us" - and he holds up two tickets and motions for us to follow him. We grabbed our stuff - and ran down the steps after him. When we got to the landing - his human escort told us that Crunch wants to upgrade our seats and we should follow him! We had to practically run to keep up with him as he went down stair after stair - and in the end - Crunch showed us to our NEW seats - on the lower level!

It was so cool! That's NEVER happened to me before! I was giddy! (But trying to act cool - cuz we were obviously underdressed for our new section - and I didn't want all the "richies" to know we didn't belong there - but yeah - I was giddy!) Being so close to the court - I had to whip out my camera - and with the zoom - I got a few good shots of KG up close and personal!

We stayed for the whole game. Here's a shot of me standing in the aisle of our NEW seats. - to get an idea of how close we got.

Well - I never ended up getting the Dome Dog - yes - I'm cheap. I thought it better to get a McRib (yes! they're back!) on the way home for like $4 - instead of an $8 hot dog! :) Just as we were crossing the river into Nordeast - Annie calls. (She had been at a cooking class.) She was quite upset - maybe even crying - and quickly blurted out her deal. She had broken down on her way home (luckily before she hit the freeway - but UNluckily on the corner of Washington and Broadway). We changed course - and headed straight for her. I actually stayed on the phone with her while we drove there - she had already encountered some strays knocking on her window - people telling her to move her car (duh!) - and even a blind guy who had to feel his way around her to get by!

The tow truck arrived about 20 minutes after we got there - and both Ann and I were truly glad Paul was there. There is a reason why you wouldn't want your car to break down in North Minneapolis after dark - and I'm glad Ann didn't have to be there by herself for very long - and I'm glad I wasn't the only one there to "protect" her! Anyway - Aaron from Gopher Towing - was AWESOME by the way - got her up and towed (ok - it took like 45 minutes - but I'm sure the crackhead trying to tell Aaron how to do his job - wasn't helping anything!) :) Even though I found a few times to giggle - here's how Ann felt about the situation:

SO - Annie got her car towed to Bobby and Steve's in Columbia Heights (I love this place - but am glad I haven't had to see them since I got rid of my old car!) Paul headed home - and I brought Ann home to Osseo. It was after 11pm when I finally got back to my house. Didn't get my Dome Dog. Didn't even get the McRib. I settled for a bowl of cereal - and went to bed!

A crazy night. I was tired all day today. But it was fun! And hopefully a fun story to read!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Lost Finale

Who can say that this season's LOST isn't up to par??? Whoever says that isn't watching the same show I am! Wow! I can't believe I have to wait until February to see what happens next!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Spoil Yourself

Ok - so I FINALLY got my car in to get washed today. (for those of you hard-core fans - you know it's been on my "to do" list for over a month!) - ANYWAY - I recommend everyone spoiling themselves once in awhile with this little gesture. I splurged for the "Velocity Package" - or something like that - like everything got a once-over - even the tires got some sort of magical black spray. I brought my little car all the way up to Spring Lake Park for a visit to Perfect 10. I hadn't been there since I lived in Fridley - but it was just as I remembered it. I brought my car in - dusty dash, crumbs in all the crevices, and leaves covering the floor mats. I left the carwash in an almost-new looking car. I love the little joys in life - and, yes, this was the highlight of my day! (Oh - except for seeing BORAT with Cousin Julie! - yes, you must go see it - unless you're easily offended - in which case bring a friend - you can be offended together!)

Also - Congrats Julie and Mike! I hope you had a great WEDDING DAY today! *smooches*

Friday, November 03, 2006

November To-Do

Ok - well last month was OK successful - I wanted to get 1/2 that list checked off - and I didn't do too poorly. We'll try again this month - and yes, some things got carried over - hey. . . it's a start! :)

November, 2006

_X__ Nov 1 Clean out car AND bring to wash inside and out. (Call eye dr.) - nope

_X__ Nov 2 Get the grime out of your computer keyboard, using a suitable cleaning fluid (isopropyl alcohol) and Q-Tips.

____ Nov 3 Clean and organize your coat closet. Donate any coats you (or other family members) no longer wear. & Store away your summer clothing, and bring out your fall and winter clothes. If you pull out something you don't like, immediately put it in your Donations Box.

_X__ Nov 4 Send package to Thailand - Organize & print photos from snapfish. Get your yard cleaned up. Remove any debris around the house.

____ Nov 5 Write a holiday newsletter to be inserted into your holiday cards. Photo this year? Install closet organizer in bedroom.

_X__ Nov 6 Finish sewing sandwiches. (Organize Archiver Bags.) - nope

_X__ Nov 7 Today is Election Day in the US. Exercise your right to vote.

____ Nov 8 Copy WWII photos

____ Nov 9 Organize your bedroom dresser. Remove everything inside. One by one, pick up each article of clothing. If you don't like it, it doesn't fit or is stained or torn, get rid of it. Return the keepers back into the dresser, keeping similar items together. Clean BEDROOM

____ Nov 10 Complete writing out your holiday cards and get them ready for mailing.

_X__ Nov 11 Scrap for the holidays

_X__ Nov 12 Weed out your wallet. Toss any discount cards, papers, etc. that you no longer need (shred them if necessary). Replace old photos in wallet photo sleeves with newer updated ones if you wish. Clean DINING ROOM.

_X__ Nov 13 Label an envelope 'Holiday Receipts' and insert any holiday gift receipts into it. Attach the envelope to your refrigerator with a magnet. When you need to refer to a receipt, you'll know where to find it. After the holidays, file the receipts away until you're sure you don't need to return anything. Do FLOORS.

_X__ Nov 14 Organize and clean your pet's feeding area. Clean KITCHEN.

____ Nov 15 Buy a new calendar for 2007. Fill in any recurring dates, such as birthdays, anniversaries or classes.

____ Nov 16 Organize the bathroom. Give it a deep cleaning. Then, add some special touches to the guest basket - like scented hand soaps, pretty guest towels and travel-sized toiletries in a basket.

_X__ Nov 17 Shop for Fargo.

_X__ Nov 18 Becky’s Wedding

_X__ Nov 19 Prepare for Pampered Chef party - Shine the Sink!

_X__ Nov 20 Pampered Chef Party

_X__ Nov 21 Leave for Vegas


____ Nov 23 Today is Thanksgiving Day in the US. Enjoy this festive holiday as you see fit!

____ Nov 24 Today's the busiest shopping day of the year. Stay home, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and do any final holiday shopping from your computer. (OR. . . take daddy out to stores for some jeans and tennies!) :)

____ Nov 25 Search for a new holiday turkey dinner leftovers recipe and make it today. Frame Mpls print & posters.

____ Nov 26 Decorate for Christmas. Dust off and organize the books and shelves in one book case.

____ Nov 27 Make a list of 6 things you'd like to do in December, 3 work or chore related and 3 fun related. Then, go right to your calendar and schedule definite days and times for each.

____ Nov 28 Go through all of the mail sitting in your inbox, discarding, delegating, doing or filing as necessary. Avoid the mail pileup from now on by going through your mail on a daily basis.

____ Nov 29 Weed out one drawer of your filing cabinet of papers you no longer need, shredding any documents that contain personal information.

____ Nov 30 Do any final holiday decorating, both inside and outside.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Beautiful October Saturday

Today was a perfect day. I started out printing with Lonny. We had a great print. No problems - and we made good time. (and the posters turned out pretty cool too!) (Coming soon: link to art when Lonny can post on gigposters).

Anyway - instead of getting home to my cleaning and laundry - I found myself joining Ethan and Paul at the dog park. I love that I carry my camera around! You never know when the scenery will look like this!

Minnehaha was brilliant today - and the perfect place to play with your favorite puppy! (or puppIES as the case may be!) Who could ask for a better day??

Minnesota is so awesome in the fall! The dogs had a great time - Ethan got really dirty - and everyone pooped out in the car on the way home!

I just got back from dinner/tv at Lonny & Jaime's. My house needs to get picked up and my laundry is still dirty (except for my comforter that is currently in the dryer - and about ready to get cuddled into!) - but I'm glad I didn't waste this gorgeous day inside!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

My baby is FOUR!

Bella turned 4 years old yesterday - and I kinda forgot. The only reason I knew at all was that our friends from Dogster emailed to wish her a happy birthday! Geez - what happened to the days of doggie parties, gift baggies, and new birthday toys??? I guess the pups are just getting too old for that huh?? :) Well - last night after I was reminded - I got out the Frosty Paws - and both Baxter and Bella celebrated while I sang "Happy Birthday." (not kidding!) :)

Today we continued the celebration with our new puppy friend, Atticus.

Julie and Mike got a new dog about 2 weeks ago. They brought him down to the cities to meet some of Julie's family. I dogsat while they were all at lunch. Cousin Julie came over and we took the three dogs to our neighborhood dog park. Atticus enjoyed meeting all the other dogs - and luckily knew us enough to come back home with us!

This is Baxter (big curled tail on right) and Atticus (black butt on left) along with some other "Park Pals" welcoming a newcomer to the game.

Well - it may be a little late - but Bella will get a new dolly. (Yes, Baxter will too. It's hard to rationalize with a dog that it's HER special day - not his.)

Ok ok - don't twist my arm - here's two more adorable shots from the backyard today:

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

October "To Do" List

Ok Jaymie! I'm on board!

October, 2006

_X__ Oct 1 Go thru mail on coffee table.

_X__ Oct 2 Pick up Clutter in Kitchen/Dining/Living Room. (enlist Heidi & Julie!)

_X__ Oct 3 Order Snapfish photos

____ Oct 4 Store away your summer clothing, and bring out your fall and winter clothes. If you pull out something you don't like, immediately put it in your Donations Box.

_>__ Oct 5 Make eye dr./ car appointments.

_X__ Oct 6 Try to avoid the busy malls this season, and opt for buying holiday gifts online instead. Start now, if you haven't already, and aim for finishing before Thanksgiving.

_X__ Oct 7 Pick up the ingredients to make crockpot chili for Sunday. / Donate at least one kitchen appliance you never use.

_X__ Oct 8 Empty your email inbox tonight by responding to any email that requires it, or deleting email you don't need. If you can't possibly do that in one night, work on this project for 10 minutes a night until it's completely empty.

_X__ Oct 9 Clean bathroom. Do kitchen/living room floors.

_X__ Oct 10 Conferences / Stir the Pot. 6:30pm.

____ Oct 11 Clean your windows, with window cleaner and a squeegee, or hire a window cleaner to do this for you.

_X__ Oct 12 Conferences.

____ Oct 13 Clean out any narrow-neck vases with 1 part water, 1 part vinegar and 1 part baking soda. If your vases have larger openings and are durable, put them in the dishwasher when you're ready to run your next cycle.

____ Oct 14 Wash Car - Organize Archiver Bags.

____ Oct 15 Get your yard cleaned up. Remove any debris around the house.

____ Oct 16 Take your window screens out and replace them with storm windows. Cover your central air conditioning unit for the season.

_X__ Oct 17 Conferences.

_X__ Oct 18 Re-organize the kitchen utensils drawers. If you don't have a utensil holder, be sure it's on your shopping list.

_X__ Oct 19 It's an excellent time to update your PDA and address books. When you're ready to send out your holiday cards, you'll be all set.

____ Oct 20 Weed out one drawer of your filing cabinet of papers you no longer need, shredding any documents that contain personal information.

____ Oct 21 Organize your CD & DVD collection, alphabetically within genre.

____ Oct 22 Clean and organize your coat closet. Donate any coats you (or other family members) no longer wear.

____ Oct 23 Add sturdy plastic boxes (with lids) to your coat closet--one for each family member. Label with the person's name. Add any scarves, hats, gloves, earmuffs and other outerwear to the appropriate person's box.

____ Oct 24 Clean out your oven.

_X__ Oct 25 Try to avoid the busy malls this season, and opt for buying holiday gifts online instead. Start now, if you haven't already, and aim for finishing before Thanksgiving.

____ Oct 26 Vacuum the insides of an armoire, computer center, buffet, etc. that are extra dusty.

____ Oct 27 Frame Mpls print & posters. Level any framed artwork or framed photos hanging on the walls that are crooked.

_X__ Oct 28 Empty all of the trash containers in your home, garage, car, etc. into one big bag. Put that bag out on garbage day.

_X__ Oct 29 Daylight savings time (U.S.) ends at 2:00AM. Turn your clocks back one hour.

_X__ Oct 30 Start planning for Thanksgiving. Where will it be held? Do you need to make travel plans? Does anything have to be ordered ahead of time? Don't wait until the last minute, or you may find yourself stressed and overwhelmed.

_X__ Oct 31 Today is a chore-free day. Enjoy Halloween!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Brunch Weekend

This past Sat. was the brunch shower that Jaymie, Nancy and I planned for Julie. All was going according to plan until we got an email from Marc saying that Nancy wouldn't make it due to her eye issues. She's not feeling well - and they're not exactly sure what it is - but she has to take meds that caused her to have a severe migrane. SO - we missed her tons - but had a great weekend - I think Julie really enjoyed herself!

Friday night I headed up to Jaymie's after doing some shower grocery shopping. Jaymie had pizza waiting for dinner - and then I pretty much watched her make roses out of frosting. I DID get some prep work done, however, when I finally cut up the honeydew and canteloupe. I got home around 1am - and after checking email and stuff - got to bed around 2!

Sat. morning came early - and I headed back up to Jaymie's. The shower started around 10 - and was very casual - which was very nice. Julie's friends started coming - and eventually we got to eating - we had "Cheesy Pancakes," "Sunshine Ring," Krispy Kremes, bagels, fruit, cupcakes, and mimosas. Mostly we sat around talking and eating - until we gathered in the living room for a few Zobmondo questions and then gifts!

After the "other" guests left - we started to start to get ready to scrapbook. (We didn't get a lot of scrappin' done - but we had a good time anyway!) -

This morning I awoke to some annoying music playing over and over (Wyatt had his video game paused). We made an Archiver's, DSW, & Petsmart run - then picked up Long John Silver's and headed back to Jaymie's for lunch. (PS - I'm sure it will take at least 3 days for my body to get back to normal after this weekend's binge!)

Julie finally headed home around 4pm - and I left Jaymie's soon after. I got home in time to meet Heidi and take the dogs to Minnehaha - to enjoy the 84 degree October day!

Nancy - we missed you tons - and are already planning our scrappin' weekend in Ely - AFTER the wedding (duh!) - so get better soon - k? :)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Fun Filled Weekend

Ok - so on Friday night - I went to happy hour with Amy and Terry (et. al) after work. I was responsible - and came home early - due to early Sat. morning departure time.

Saturday morning - Lonny and I got up and hit the road - bound for Fargo. We had a yucky and rainy drive almost all the way to Fargo - until about 30 mi. out - then it was sunny! We got to Justin's around 2:30 - and while the boys practiced - I headed to south Fargo to hook up with Nancy. She and I went shopping for Julie's shower (coming up THIS Sat.!) - then picked up KFC - and headed back to Marc and the kids for some dinner. It was fun to see Nathan and Lauren - and fun that I think they actually remembered me from my last visit in April! :) After dinner I made my way to the Aquarium - where the boys were playing. When I got there - they were rehearsing. I got some video footage (as little bro requested) - and hung out waiting for the show to start. The Trans Ams didn't even make it to the stage until after 1am! This old body (& back!) is not wanting to stand around and listen to punk rock for 5 hours anymore! :) I think the boys had a really good time - it was a good trip.

Sunday - after 6 hours of sleep at Justin's girlfriend's apt - Lonny and I headed back to Minneapolis. We were hoping to be back in time for the Vikings - but didn't quite get up early enough! We did, however, make it back before 1/2 time. My Sun. afternoon plans were changed - and I ended up going to the Renaissance Festival with Heidi! (& Baxter & Bella!!) It was a good time - and I don't know who wanted the turkey leg more - Heidi- or the babies!

Monday - spent the day in a district meeting. Left meeting to bring my car into Scion ("check engine" light on again) but Scion didn't seem worried. Whatever. I'll bring it in again next week - cuz i'm sure the light just won't magically turn off (as Jeremy @ the service desk seemed to think. ANYWAY - came home to meet Heidi AGAIN - and off we were to see the TWINS! It was a good game to be at - as the TWINS clinched a playoff berth. HOWEVER, I missed most of the game due to issues. OH yeah! And guess who was there?? Genevieve and Lynch! Good thing we ran into them - cuz they kept Heidi company as I ran in and out of the bathroom!

Today - spent the day in a building meeting. (wow - when do i get to TEACH again??) Worked the soccer games tonight - and JUST got home - to THREE Victoria Secret underpants chewed up on the living room floor! Huh. Nothing like losing three pairs of $5 underwear to end a long day.

Ugggg. I gotta get to bed - the rest of this week is pretty busy. Two more nights of soccer - then the shower. Life is fun!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Dog Park

Yesterday and today were beautiful! I took Baxter and Bella to our local dog park (didn't drive all the way down to Minnehaha) yesterday and today after work. We brought our tennis ball and throwy thingy and tired ourselves out!

Yesterday we found a new friend who may even be Baxter's biological brother. This big guy looked just like Baxter - just a little taller - and a little blacker. He even had a purple collar on! Hunter's mom said she rescued the lab/dane mix from an abusive home - and that he was around 4 years old as of this past spring. WOW! I told her we got Baxter from the Humane Society - knew he was brought in with his mom and littermates - and was born in March 2002! So - even if they're not brothers - they had a fun time bouncing around and playing. We hope to run into them again sometime!

Today we went again - brought a new ball (cuz we lost the one yesterday) - and played again. The park was very busy - but we found a spot a little away from the crowd to throw the ball. Bella started getting so tired that she actually plopped herself down in hole to chill out. I figured we were done playing fetch - so started walking again. Who did I see across the puppy playground - and through about 30 dogs running around - Bryan Raymond. He was there with his dog Tori (named for Tori Hunter). He and his wife just had a baby July 29th! I told him about Alice and we chatted about our dogs - and that's about it.

Dog park days are good - cuz sleepy puppies like to go to bed early and cuddle with mom! So - off I go - Baxter's already snoring!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Back To School Catch-Up

Well - I guess we have some readers - so it's time to get caught up with the blogging! Here's the scoop on my last 4 weeks:

1. Visit from Parents

Mom and dad came in August to meet Alice. We had a great time - and now they know what they're missing by living so damned far away! Looking at this family pic - I can't believe how much Alice has GROWN since this was taken just FOUR weeks ago!

2. State Fair

Wow - this seems AGES ago - but I went to the fair with my Little Red Hens on Labor Day. We were up early - and even tho Julie had a REALLY bad back -we ate our way pretty much thru everything we wanted to eat! The hotdish on a stick was AWESOME!

3. Back to School

The 06-07 school year has started - and has kept me very busy! I'm teaching new classes again - so I have to think a little more about what I'm going to do each morning, meetings are driving me nuts!, and I have a new room(s)! - BUT - my kids are good - and I love my co-workers - so that helps a lot. I am (for the 4th year!) working as Site Manager for varsity boys and girls soccer - so that keeps me busy some evenings.

4. Ann's 30th

Last Thursday Ann turned 30 - and some friends of hers threw a party for her at Cafe Havana downtown. It was a good time - but I outlasted the birthday girl! What the heck??? :) (PS - this place is WORTH checking out - just for the free valet!)

(Oh yeah - and I got my hair cut and colored - as you can see from the birthday pic - Lonny hates it. I like it.)

5. Crafty Sunday

Sunday was the Little Red Hens' 2nd Crafty Sunday. It was a good time. Julie and I started it out in the morning - she came over - we took the dogs out for a walk - stopped @ Lon's to pick him and Alice up - walked up to Audubon - got coffees/chai - and walked home. We leisurely started crafting - Heidi joined us - then friend Terry came and then cousin/sis Michele. We chatted and talked some crap - and then I got to cookin. We had curry - and for my 3rd attempt - I was a little bummed - (I think I've done better) - but they said it was good - so I guess I'll live with that. (leftovers tonight! yum!)

This week (& next) will be very busy - Lonny and I are going to Fargo on Sat. for a Trans Ams reunion show. Should be a blast. I'll try to keep up - and blog about it when I get back!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Busy Little Red Hens

Wow - the Little Red Hen Society has been busy! We have had an awesomely fun week that started last Saturday. Julie and I took in a Polish Fest held here in NE. I read about it in my little neighborhood newspaper - saw pierogi and cabbage rolls - and had to go! Julie came over in the morning with coffees and scones. Mmmmmm coffee and scones. . . . . and then we headed out for a bee-u-tiful (as Lon Sr. would say) day for a festival. The first thing we hit was the food - and both had pierogi - I think Julie had cabbage rolls too - but they had tomato sauce on them - and that's not how MY mom makes them. . . so I passed. :)

We bought many raffle tickets and signed up for door prizes - but no one's called me yet to tell me I won! Both of us bought a dozen frozen pierogi to take home - I shared with Lonny and Jaime. - and I think my little bro enjoyed them. :)

Sat. night we all hooked up again in St. Paul for cousin/brother Jon's Pirate-themed 35th birthday party. Whew! He's gettin' old!

Sun. was a spontaneous gathering of the Little Red Hens. We had no plans but kinda gravitated toward each other and met up at Rosedale for some shopping and then ended up at Big Bowl. for lunch/dinner.

We didn't see each other for 3 whole days - when we met up again for lunch with our cousin Jay. We went to Red Robin. in Shoreview (I think). It was a good lunch - with some "catch up" type chatter. Cool to "re-meet" your cousins as adults.

Wed. night was the weekly gathering for Project Runway.. Julie and I have gotten together for all but one night of this new season. Heidi hadn't seen it before - but got sucked in and was just as surprised when Allison got sent home as we were! What the hell??? Vincent should have been gone like 3 weeks ago!! The best part of Wed. night tho - was our awesome gourmet dinner we put together. Heidi brought over salmon and asparagus, Julie brought over veggies and salad, and I made sweet potato bake. We were so proud of our YUMMY gourmet meal that we HAD to take pics of it. Mary Jo would be proud - as it was very colorful!

And yes, I ate all of it - even the raw orange pepper (dipped in ranch). . . . little girl is growing up!

I love my girls. I love hanging out with them. It's fun to have cousins who are also great friends!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Another Boppy Cover

I made another one yesterday! I think it turned out pretty good. This cover matches Alice's bedroom a little better than the Mickey/Minnie one . . . so now Alice has TWO - so one can always be clean!

And here's the new cover on the pillow at Lon & Jaime's house. These aren't that difficult to make - the piping is the worst part - so maybe I have a new "shower" gift for friends who are expecting! :)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Weekend in Wisconsin

This past weekend my cousin Heidi and I took a road trip out to Milwaukee.

history: This past June, aunt and uncle (LaVonne and Walt) were at my house on their way thru town - Heidi was talking to them about who knows what . . .yadda yadda yadda . .they invited us out to Milwaukee to check out the Wisconsin State Fair. SO! We found ourselves at the beginning of a 5.5 hour car ride when Heidi got off work at 8pm last Friday. It was a pretty easy drive (especially for me - as I slept most of the way!) We were warmly greeted even though it was 1:30 in the morning when we pulled into town. After some late night chit chat we hit the sack - planning to get up early for a day at the fair.

We kind of slept in - and ended up at the fair around 10am. I guess the big things at the WI State Fair are the Cream Puffs. So - of course we had them FIRST!

They were good - they were cream puffs. BIG cream puffs.

I'm glad we had them - because everyone who knew we were at the fair asked us if we had them. We did hook up with another cousin of Heidi's (from her dad's side) and his wife - so they sort of served as our State Fair Guides. :)

After we could eat, walk, or see no more - we headed back to Walt & LaVonne's house. After dinner (yeah - I really don't know why we had dinner either!) - we headed downtown to Milwaukee's Historic Third Ward. There was a Jazz Festival going on - and we got to see Wynton Marsalis' little brother, Delfaeyo, play his trombone.

Pretty cool - now I've seen two of the Marsalis boys live. A night of touring downtown was cut short by me and my tummy issues. Yes, now everyone knows I need more fiber in my diet!

Sunday was Family BBQ day - which was great because cousin Pat and his girlfriend, Stefanie, joined us - as well as cousin Beth and her family.

It was a great afternoon of catching up and getting to know each other a little better. I truly hope we can stay in touch and see them all again really soon! Walt & LaVonne were terrific hosts - and I'm so happy we were able to stay with them!

Heidi and I got up Monday morning to start the drive back. We took our time with the trek across Wisconsin. We stopped when we wanted to - to eat (yes! we ate MORE!), pee, and check out a Cheese Haus to pick up some curds! We weren't even back home before we already had plans for Monday night! Julie and Donnie invited us to the St. Paul Saints game.

It was great - we tailgated, Heidi played in the Homerun Derby (& won a participation prize of a power drill!). The Saints won - and it was a beautiful night for outdoor baseball!

Great weekend - my only official summer vacation so far this summer - not too shabby!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

knocked up

(Posted by Melanie) Keeping up with the baby theme......I'm having one too.

My little fling from Brazil ended up staying with me for a few months in the beginning of the year (in Bangkok), and then in the beginning of March he left for New Zealand to work and travel. The end of March I found out I was pregnant - I was completely freaked out.

Since then I've come to the realization that it's going to be okay. Fabio came back in June. We moved into a nice apartment a little further out of the city. I will finish my teaching contract in June 2007 and have a six week paid maternity leave. The baby is due in November. Fabio will be staying at home and taking care of the little one (we think it's a boy) when I go back to work.

This summer we went on vacation. We spent a week in Cambodia (Angkor Wat is amazing), three weeks in Bali (beautiful) and a few days in Malaysia. We had a relaxing time and spent most of it eating and watching the World Cup (Fabio is a big fan).

Not sure what will happen with Fabio and I - I realize that, statically, our chances aren't great. However, I figured I should give it a shot - being that he's the father and all. Either way, I'm going to be a mommy and I'm happy with that.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Alice Mae

Here's an official photo of my new niece, Alice Mae. She was born last Wednesday, July 26th. She is adorable - and I couldn't be prouder! Mom and baby are both doing great! - If you want to keep up on Alice's life - check out HER blog.