Saturday, May 31, 2008

2nd Half of May Update

Memorial Day Weekend

It has been rainy and cool this past week - but we did have a glimmer of sun and a break from the rain for a few hours - enough to take a picnic to Minnehaha Falls. I joined the Jerome/Olesens for a lunchtime trek up and down the falls. I really think Alice enjoyed the whole picnic thing. She was kind of like a Princess - with yummy foods strewn about - and she just sat in the middle of the blanket choosing what to eat next.

Cultural Week at JMS

This was our 3rd year of celebrating the many Jackson cultures - with the Wednesday night dinner as the highlight. Kids (& parents) prepare foods from all over the world and many people dress up. It's our little version of a "Festival of Nations" - and this year we ended the evening with a fashion show. It's a lot of work by my whole department - but looking at these pics - you know it's worthwhile!

Karly and her friend helped out by selling buttons.

Alice Mae tried a lot of things!

One of my 8th graders served up my pierogis!

My favorite dress of the night!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Friday Night Bowling & Saturday with the Polocks

Friday night, Amy (in Anoka) and I took our other class bowling. (Only 4 were able to make it - but it was still fun!)

I got a great deal - for about $20 total - each kid got shoes, to bowl for an hour - and a $2 game card for the arcade! The kids wanted to upgrade their arcade cards so they could play Laser Tag - but no one had to pay the additional $4 - cuz the cards were actually loaded with $6!! Laser Tag was actually the highlight -and of course - I came in 2nd!

After bowling and laser tag - we went to Old Country Buffet A great time was had by all - and to top it off - one of the kids was celebrating his birthday the next day - so we sang to him at dinner!

Last night I met up with my Polish relatives at Kramarczuk's. It was a great time - and maybe at one of these gatherings I'll actually try something new - but hey - the pierogi are pretty darn good!! Check out Heidi's blog for better pics - but here's what I've got:

Roll Call:

Cousin Frank & Cousin Fred (Probably the most unflattering pic of these two handsome guys ever!)

Cousin Heidi, Auntie Mary Joy & Greg, Cousin Loretta & Eddie

Don & Cousin Julie

Trophy Bride Joan, Cousin Poppy, Cousin Susie, Cousin Frank

Cousin Jon & Geneveive, Me, Chris & Cousin Jill

See you all next time!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Happy Birthday Lon & Jaime! . . . and some catch-up

Saturday was Lon's birthday - and today is Jaime's. My present to them (besides stock in Wii and Caribou) was to watch Alice while they celebrated with dinner/movie and dinner/shopping. (Of course, this is really a present for me - but shhh. . don't tell them that!)

(May 5th) Tonight Alice and I headed to the park after dinner. She was ready to go and met me at the door with all the things she'd need for the bike trip - baby (check), flip flops like Auntie Carrie (check), Auntie Carrie's camera (check), sidewalk chalk (check), ba ba (check). Yup - we were ready to go!

(May 3rd) Saturday we all ate dinner at Khan's (Lon's favorite) - then Alice and I headed to Rosedale for our new favorite indoor hang out. Tights were stripped off so as to grip better for climbing. Here are some shots in the Micky Mouse car (which completely sucks when quarters are put in - note facial expression of child) - 2 ba bas at a time - and the cutest "little old lady" baby upon arriving home from our adventure.

(May 2nd) Friday was the LEP Convention in St. Paul - so pretty much my whole department was downtown for that. That night I met up with Julie, Jon, Genevieve, and Julie's friend Lacey for the best Twins game! (what - like 11 to 1?!?!?!) Good game to go to . . AHEM . . Heidi!!

(April 27th & 30th) Both nights we went out to celebrate the craft fair being over. (it was April 26th - blustery cold day - hateful weather!) Here's a shot of Alice at Macaroni Grill with her napkin tucked under her chin bib-style . . . and then on the 30th - on our way to California Pizza Kitchen - check out the cute family - note Alice's purse on her arm. TOO CUTE!

(April 23rd) The week before the fair I spent a lot of time with Alice to keep her out of the artists' hair. This was the night I brought her with me to Rosedale to pick up my new jeans (Julie - they're SILVERS - not SEVENS . . yeah, I knew I wasn't that cool) . . . and we discovered the play area.

(April 20th) Alice and I went up to Bob and Sue's to help celebrate Hannah Sophia's baptism. We got to do 2 of Alice's favorite things. 1) eat cake and 2) hold Baby Hannah. I also had to grab a shot of Alice on our way back - she had my sunglasses on - and looked adorable! After a naptime - we headed to the park with Daddy on her (then) new bike.

(March 28-30) My pictures of the Hunter Girls' reunion suck. Check out my parents' page for better ones. What were we thinking taking these group shots in front of this white board??? (Oh yeah - and this is where Alice really got to meet Baby Hannah - and hold her for the first time. . . )

That should catch you up. I'll try to be better about posting again. :)