Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Except for getting hyped up about Alice's and Lonny's Halloween - I kind of hung out - got my 2 piece chicken dinner from Rainbow's Deli, watched Grey's Anatomy, and handed out candy . . missed a party at Ann's - but it's ok. . it was nice to just chill. Here are some picks of my night:

My first Trick-or-Treater (I only 2 more after Alice!)

Watch out! She's Wonder Woman!!

cutest girls at the party

Wonder Woman and her . . trusty sidekicks?!?!?

Baxter Delmar

Bella Sera

Notice the two babies in the doorway watching me take this photo!

Alice came over after trick-or-treating for some yogurt :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dress Like A Student Day

It was Spirit Week this week - and today was "Dress Like A Student/Teacher Day" (so we dressed like kids - and they dressed like us) . . imagine my little 7th grader in white button-down shirt, tucked into black jeans, his ID on a lanyard around his neck, prop glasses, and a prop coffee cup from Holiday. . . (cute) - . . me - I just spent the day "saggin'" as my kids call it - wearing my brothers pants, oversize T shirt, and a huge hoodie borrowed from one of my 8th graders. During the day, I heard that I looked like a few things (all of which I agree with) :) - A student (totally successful in looking like one of my boys) - My brother (yup - Lonny's twin) - and a bull-dyke (sorry Lonny (and 8th grade boys) - but I have to agree that I definitely looked like some of my softball buddies!)

Mikki, Me, Becky, Amy, Sara in the morning (before my hoodie arrived :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

TWolves win Home Opener!

I went to the Timberwolves home opener with Julie. It was a good time -

A. We got to see the new Target Field all lit up (ready for the Twins this spring!!)

B. We ate yummy nachos :) tee hee hee . . . and. . .

C. We WON!! Holy Moly - I can't believe they pulled it off - but they did!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Amy-In-Anoka update

I took this picture of Amy for a bulletin board in my classroom - but she looks so good in it - that I had to share with all of you who have been following her story. Amy still isn't able to eat - and battles off and on with pains and infections - but we're all so hopeful that her tummy will start to "wake up" on its own (there are new gurgles and sounds each time she sees Doc Baker) - or will start up after her upcoming Dec/Jan surgery (hell ya - she's freaked out about that!) :) Keep thinking of her . . I am convinced it has been all the positive thoughts and prayers that have gotten her this far!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall Sundays

I've kind of been sticking to a routine on Sundays also! Football and Crafting. Crafting and Football. A typical Sunday has been Julie coming over to craft. Alice coming over to craft or to watch a movie (doesn't she look like a teenager here!?!) - and of course Lon, Jaime, and Lonny3 also come over to watch the VIKES WIN!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Wiggles

Well - not all Saturdays are swimming and libraries. . . today was a SPECIAL day - where we all packed in the Vibe to head downtown to see The Wiggles! Alice had a great time! (except for the fact that she forgot to bring her toy guitar as planned) However - we're already planning next time - as there are "things" to these concerts. . . The guys have the house lights turned up so they can read all the signs out loud, kids bring flowers for Dorothy the Dinosaur, and bones for Wags the Dog. The Wiggles put on a great show!

. . .on our way!

Murray came up to our section to read a sign - Alice and I went up to wave to him

Fall Saturdays

Lonny3 is getting "bigger and bigger every day!"

On Saturdays I get to hang out with my favorite kids . . . and adding to our usual trips to the Library. . .Alice and I have been doing "Mommy and Me" swimming lessons! (you know the ones - where the adult is in the water too. . .) The swimming is awesome fun - Alice loves playing with the noodles and kickboards, jumping off the edge into my arms (but her teacher has to remind her to keep her mouth shut when she jumps in!) . . and a highlight after lessons - is getting to take showers in the locker room!

Alice called me over - to show me what she had done on the white board during our last trip to the library :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Second Snow . . .

. . . was even better! (this is walking into my school Monday morning)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Firt Snow Of The Season

. . . and the puppies LOVED it! :)

Friday, October 09, 2009

Cosmic Brooms

So it's Friday night - and I'm just hanging out - minding my own business - when Lonny come rushing over - all excited. He's in my kitchen - and he's like - come here! come here! So I get out of my comfy Friday-night-dvr-watchin'-chair to see what's so exciting. And there Lonny is - standing in my kitchen - with his broom. So - something to do with the gravitational pull on the Earth for the next 3 days or something?? allows for something like a broom to stand on it's own! So then we had to try it with my broom - which has a slanted bottom. . and as you can see it totally worked!! (I had just come from visiting Amy-in-Anoka - who was back in the hospital for a pain in her side) - so I sent her a photo text . . which she then forwarded on to her kids. . . who then tried to do it at their house - but couldn't - so called shenanigans on us . . but then I called Cassie directly - and talked her thru it. . . and yeah - so at least TWO households were amused for a few moments with free-standing brooms on a Friday night! :)

Monday, October 05, 2009

Finally October!


Well! I've finally caught up with the right MONTH anyway! (as today is really Oct. 21st . . .but am finally blogging Oct. 5th!) ANYWAY! Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that Brett Favre is now a VIKING.

The Vikings/Packers game has always been cause for a football party - but WHOO - was it a great event this year! Julie, Heidi, and the neighbors came over for yummy snacks - chili dogs and pulled pork sandwiches - and an awesome football game!

Stadium Fare

Hiding Under A Blanket

Photo by Alice Mae

Heidi and Lonny3

Besides the fact that the Vikings won! (yay!) - we also found out that Alice has become quite the MC! You should only hope that you are in her audience someday soon and are ready to sing if she calls you to the mic!! :)

Alice & Julie