Sunday, February 06, 2011

Alice's 1st Manicure

Jaime and I planned a trip to the mall for manicures before the Super Bowl. We thought we'd take Alice with us - so that Lonny could have some peace whilst L3 slept. Well, she's quite the planner, and she was ready to get her nails done too! (she also wanted her toes done - but we convinced her to wait until we could wear flip flops! . .but she already has that planned out . . and wants her nails done then too!) :) Alice is a curious kid. .and even tho she looked a little worried while the manicurist prepped - she soon was quite content - and just watched . . and sat . .VERY. STILL. She was the hit of the salon . .everybody was watching her and smiling, and helping her keep her fan going . . she was a rock star. . and now we're all ADORABLE!

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