Sunday, April 05, 2009

. . . .Later That Day

For those of you keeping track. . . here is the backyard that same afternoon (I think the snow was pretty much gone by 1pm!)

So, Julie and I went to the Timberwolves game . . . and I spent most of the game watching this girl.

We first saw her walking up the stairs (her boyfriend was walking about 20 feet ahead of her). This poor girl wore a dress that pretty much looked like a potato sack - and that was bad enough - and then, we saw her from behind - and almost saw the entire promise land!

Of course - even tho I was a freakin-paparrazi - I couldn't get the money shot . . oh well, at least Julie and I saw it! :)


Heideldy Deideldy said...

The games are ALWAYS good for people watching! Dudette, sooo happy you blogged!

jb said...