Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Lonny 3!

I am dead tired - but I want to get some pics posted tonight before I fall into bed! Lonny will tell the day's story on Alice & Little Lonny's blog - here is just a snapshot of our day:

Lonny called and woke me up - the day was starting earlier than planned. Lon & Jaime went to the hospital before Alice even woke up. When Alice did wake up - we hustled to the hospital - just to find ourselves waiting in the family waiting area.

Less than an hour later - we found Little Lonny in the "clean him up" room waiting for mom (Jaime) to be ready to go back to her room.

The rest of today was just watching it all. Alice is in love with her little brother ("baby brother" - she calls him) :) :)

The whole family is doing well!! Yay to that!! :) . . And now I can't make it anymore. . gotta sleep! :) Good night!


Grandma said...

Thank you for taking the time to post. I was needing to see some photos! Lon & Jaime are so lucky to have you there to help out.

I love you,

babysitting buissness said...

Congratulations Auntie Carrie!

Great photos!!
