Friday, August 14, 2009

Playdate with Aimee and her Girls

Alice and I headed to Long Lake for a day at the beach. A lot of friends were out and about or out of town - but to our surprise - a very pregnant Aimee (from Jackson) and her girls Ava (5) and Sophia (4) came out to play in the sand, swim in the "deeper deeper" end, have lunch on the beach blanket, and play at the little playground. After all this fun, Alice and I wiped off as much sand as we could, crawled into our hot car, and tried to stay awake for the short trip home! When I hit the lottery someday - I'm taking the whole summer off - and spending it with Alice and Lonny! These days are the BEST!


Jon N. said...

This pic is a postcard!!

Heideldy Deideldy said...

time to update the BLOGGGGGGGGGG