Thursday, January 14, 2010

Alice's Winter Gala

For WEEKS - Alice has been talking about her Winter Gala. She has been singing her songs - and talking about all the practice they've been doing at school! Everyone in the Big Blue House was totally excited for this fun fun week! (Sesame AND Gala in ONE WEEK?!?!?) We all got in the Family Car (THE FAMILY CAR!!) to head to the Gala. WOW - was it packed! I think just about every family had to be there! The kids went with their teachers to practice - and the audience traveled around the school. (school=tiny one room - broken up into 5 smaller rooms with no adult sized chairs) We (the audience) started in the toddler room. Wow - do these teachers rock! Of course there was a mixed level of participation-ness by these little folks - but those teachers kept engaging them! Then we all moved out to the pre-pre school?? room - well - we couldn't see a thing - so we headed to Alice's room - to get a good square of floor - and plopped down.

With so many people there - it's totally understandable that these 3 year olds weren't too interested in performing - except for this curly haired little girl next to Miss Katie. She was a rock star for one night!! :)

After the performances - there were cookies and juice (natch) - which of course, was Alice's favorite part! :) . . . guess I'll have to break out the not-plugged-in PS2 microphone at home to hear Alice's Gala songs. . AND just about any other song she loves to belt out with that mic in her hand! :). . . yes, this can be arranged

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