Sunday, February 07, 2010


Coworker Joe wanted to do something special for his wife's birthday. . . and yadda, yadda, yadda . . . I have 3 kids sleeping over - scratch that - FOUR - Alice was THRILLED to have a sleepover!

We made homemade pizzas . . . Alice was great at her job - keeping the surface well-floured . . .

Nathaniel got pointers from his big brother . . .

What a blast (and a mess - but the blast out-weighed the mess) :)

Eli and Nathaniel made a yummy meat and cheese pizza.

Elizabeth and Alice couldn't agree - so came up with a 1/2 and 1/2 pizza.

After dinner - we worked on some crafts . . .

. . . and watched A.LOT of Spongebob. . .

Okay! Time for bed!!! These three were totally keyed about watching a movie in the big bed. . . .

. . . this one . . not so much.

Baxter and Bella found some new best buddies too.

Alice had a great time - and is anxiously awaiting our friends to spend the night again!


Katie/The Family Chef said...

So....I'm sure I've said this before but you're gonna hear it again: YOU'RE THE COOLEST AUNTIE EVER!! Wow!! What a fun sleep-over night!! Just let me know what night we should bring our kids over....that'd be great....thanks. j/k

jb said...

that looked like an awesome time

Grandma said...

I haven't even checked the blogs because no one ever updates... This looked like a great sleepover!