Wednesday, August 11, 2010

EPIC Journey - JB & Cha Cha Head West - Day #3

This first pic is a typical morning on our journey. JB organizing all of our crap back into the little Scion. We decided to go into downtown Billings - and explore.

Turns out Billings isn't all that - except that we majorly scored at this cute little Indian jewelry shop! Apparently the downtown area is a big 'hood for the meth heads - I suppose they don't have much to do during the work day. For real - I clutched my purse close to me a few times . . little freakier than even Minneapolis. You never know what junkies will do .. especially when they need a cheeseburger. EEK.

With the advice from the Indian ladies at the jewelry shop - we took one of those journey stops at Chico Springs. We got there early afternoon - You'll have to bear with me - as the scenery was OUT.STANDING. . and I had a little fun with my camera. . .

The springs were AWE.SOME. We spent a few hours in the warm pool - and then had a yummy lunch before we headed back out onto the road. We were headed to Helena . . .

. . this storm chased us all the way to Helena. :) (But we won, totally beat it there!) :)

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