Thursday, April 12, 2007

An Old Friend

(For you faithful readers - pics and stories from Vegas are coming soon. . . but first . . . )

I had a blast tonight with my dear friend Tracy. She said it too - it's like - we haven't seen each other in a LONG while (like I'm thinking over a year) - yet when we get together it's like no time has passed! I just went over to her house after work - we visited - I got to see her girls - we snacked - the girls played (aka "showed off for Carrie") - JC brought BW3 home from work - we watched Survivor - caught up on some gossip - and seriously - I had a great time.

Here's my favorite all-time picture of Tracy. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding - and someone got a great shot of her trying to keep cool in that heavy Renaissance dress. She was adorable that day in '99 - AND - she's still adorable today! She's a wonderful mom, wife, teacher, and friend. (Love ya Tracy!)

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