Friday, October 09, 2009

Cosmic Brooms

So it's Friday night - and I'm just hanging out - minding my own business - when Lonny come rushing over - all excited. He's in my kitchen - and he's like - come here! come here! So I get out of my comfy Friday-night-dvr-watchin'-chair to see what's so exciting. And there Lonny is - standing in my kitchen - with his broom. So - something to do with the gravitational pull on the Earth for the next 3 days or something?? allows for something like a broom to stand on it's own! So then we had to try it with my broom - which has a slanted bottom. . and as you can see it totally worked!! (I had just come from visiting Amy-in-Anoka - who was back in the hospital for a pain in her side) - so I sent her a photo text . . which she then forwarded on to her kids. . . who then tried to do it at their house - but couldn't - so called shenanigans on us . . but then I called Cassie directly - and talked her thru it. . . and yeah - so at least TWO households were amused for a few moments with free-standing brooms on a Friday night! :)

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