Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hunter Girls 2010

Sanner Grandkids

All NINE Sanner Great Grandkids

Lonny and I both took 1/2 days so that we could get out of town in a timely manner . . (3pm is timely, right?) :) My neighbors were packing and getting ready for the trip - so I was home checking Facebook. Dad's status: Brrr. This - added to his earlier-this-week status: Com'on Friday, very busy day, lots to look forward too[sic]. So exciting, can't hardly wait. . - made me wonder. The page to load Vegas' weather took forEVER to load . . but when it finally did - I saw that it was 71 degrees in Vegas. (which made me run next door and breathlessly ask Lon & Jaime: Do you think they're here???)

We finished getting ready to go without trying to get too excited - and we did NOT tell Alice - JUST IN CASE we were guessing wrong.

The Floyd Sanner Family

We started the caravan (we can't all fit in any one of our cars) :( . . so - L3 & Alice were in my car .. and Lonny & Jaime followed us. Road trips are GREAT with 3 1/2 year olds who think stopping to go potty is fun!! :) We stopped in Brooklyn Center - and then again in Clearwater! :)

Bill Sanner Family

The Jeromes

John Sanner Family

At the Cleawater potty break, Dad texted me wondering if we were in DL yet. :) At this point I was like 99% sure he was in DL waiting for us . . so kept texting him our progress as we got closer. :) I'm sure Dad (& Mom) were going nuts waiting for us to get there (yes, we had to stop three time more) :)

Four Generations!

Well, when we finally pulled up to the hotel, I didn't even get fully out of the car before I looked up to see both Mom and Dad rushing out with the hugest hugs EVER!

Grandma & L3

Grandpa & Alice

Yadda yadda yadda. .. food, fun, family, cards, swimming!!, sleepovers with Grandma & Grandpa (Alice's, not mine) :) Another Awesomely fun Hunter Girls Reunion!

1 comment:

jb said...

hardy was there too :)love that paper bowl/hat pic