Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Are you KIDDING me with these AWESOME photos!?!?!? The tickets to this show were my Christmas present for Jaime . . but she had to take ME! :) And boy-oh-boy did it suck when we changed our Cultural Celebration to the same night. . urgh. . BUT it all worked out!! I left school early - (and guess what? the world did not end! - Ok - I mean Sara messed up the whole photo thing . .but URGH. .the world did not end!)

I headed down to NB to pick up Jaime - we missed all traffic into the city - got a great parking spot - and I'd purchased a T-shirt - AND drinks before the 1st opening band started! What's this? Who didn't send us the memo about white t-shirt/scarf/vest ensemble that Everyone.Else.Wore?? Well, to be fair, we were pretty much the only straight girls there . . but didn't fool everyone. . like the guy handing out the afterparty flyers at the lesbian bar :)

The show was at the Orpheum - and our seats up in the balcony were pretty freakin awesome . . . I mean, Yeah - I used my zoon . . but look how awesome these pics are!! And of course - Tegan and Sara ROCKED. God they can sing!! :)


Lonny Unitus said...

Great pics!

jb said...

awesoem and I am SOOOO jealous