Thursday, December 07, 2006

First Week of December

Ok - It's December again - and it's been a busy week. Last weekend was the craft fair (finally!) - and I got to spend the whole day with Alice! I was kinda bummin'- because I'd figure she'd get cranky - and I'd have to take her home (therefore missing something) . . . but she held out. All day. Like 12 hours. Like I was kinda hoping she'd need to go home and take a nap. I needed a nap. :) It was a great day - I hung out with Alice pretty much the whole time - but also covered for Lon and Jaime when they needed P breaks - and if anyone needed food. Alice and I took a few walks around the place in the stroller - and even a few in the Baby Bjorn. Here's the smiley girl near the end of a long day of fair'n. (This is actually her 2nd outfit - I didn't get my camera out until after she'd messed the cute "Books by J-Me" onesie she had on.

Even though I REALLY could have crawled into bed and slept until Sunday - when I got home from the craft fair - I changed clothes - and waited for Donnie and Julie to come over so we could head out to see Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. It was a great show.

Some highlights:

1. Donnie got a kick ass parking spot (which rubbed off on me the following day).
2. Some guy paid Julie $5 to get the bartender's attention (which almost cost us any relationship we had already established with this cranky guy who needed a break - real bad).
3. We got a spot on the rail - so could actually SEE the band that boasted the most expensive tickets the Triple Rock had ever seen. (yeah - worth it).
4. A good time was had by all - and we deserved it!

Back at school this week (well sort of). Out of the last 10 school days - I've only been in my classroom for 5 of them. What can I say - I like meetings. Lots and lots of meetings. I WAS at school yesterday - to get pumped up for wrestling season (which started last night!). Before I kicked off my 4th(?) (or is it 5th?) season of keeping the books for our high school's home wrestling meets - I ran down to TG to catch Vanhtha's PREMIRE as Girls 9B Basketball coach. He did a good job. His team won. I think he's pretty proud. Maybe even a little giddy. Go V! Here's a pic of him coaching - he was in the zone. Totally.

Ok - so just got back from Lon and Jaime's. Was sufferin' a little "Alice withdrawl." - I hadn't seen her for like four whole days! Anyway - wanna know what the dogs do when they're "starving to death" and mommy isn't home? Yeah - they find the candybar in her school bag that she bought like 2 weeks ago and then forgot about. Know how dogs get to a candybar that's nicely lost in a school bag? They chew it. Yup. A nice little hole. In mommy's favorite bag. Hmmm. Good thing mommy's good with a sewing machine. Naughty puppies. No, dad, I did not beat them - but Baxter was PRETTY guilty looking. I wish I had my camera out when he lowered his head, looked up at me with those pathetic doggie eyes - and tiptoed - not kidding - TIPTOED across the hardwood floor to lick my knees. (That's puppy for "I'm sorry.") Whatever. It's just a bag. And it was probably my fault for not feeding them for 2 hours. Sheesh.

Ok - That's a nice "update" for ya! Happy December!


Lonny Unitus said...

damn. that's a nice bag too.

Grandpa Jerome said...

A nice slap on the snout would have been in order, but it was your fault for not feeding them. Does Alice recognize you now that you have been around her so much? Nice pictures, keep up the good work.


Mama Kautz said...

she is SO CUTE!!!!!!! what fun to play all day bad puppy but I am a sucker for puppy eyes too :)