Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Christmas morning with the family!

I woke up this morning to Lonny calling me like it was "old tyme." Like back in the day when he'd wait as long as he could (usually around 6am) before waking me up to tell me what I got in my stocking. Then we'd both wait as long as we could (usually another hour) before waking mom and dad.

I got dressed and joined the rest of the fam (at Lon & Jaime's) for gifts and Christmas breakfast. We had a nice time before mom and dad had to head out to the airport. I found some time in the afternoon to go to a movie with the Hens - then stopped home to let the dogs out before heading back to Lon's for some leftover Christmas dinner. I just got home - let the dogs out - and now fed them . . but neither puppy ran for the food. Strange . . they should be more than ready for dinner. . . .then I found this.

I guess the puppies couldn't wait for me to get home - they helped themselves to the rest of the orange cookies and donuts from pierogi/cabbage roll making day. Huh. Guess I'll be getting up a few times tonight with sick puppies. We'll see. Ugg.



Rhinestone Pirate said...

Thems my puppies! Lucky dogs, they had Girl Scout cookies to celebrate the beginning of Chanukah, too! Oh, and a stick of butter. Yummy!

Jon N. said...

Cookies! Woot!