Thursday, August 16, 2007

Huge Photo Dump

(funny title for those of you who know what I'm going through today and tomorrow!) :)

Ok - It's been awhile since I've dumped photos from my camera - so here is about 3 weeks of activity. . . . I'll keep the commentary to a minimum. . .ENJOY!

Alice Mae's Birthday Party - Sat. July 28th

Alice enjoys a swim with cousin Zack while 2nd Cousin Paige helps out

Grandpa enjoys time with his former schoolmates

Lonny and Jaime set up quite a great party!

Alice loves the scrapbook I made for her :)

Alice and BFF Mae use teamwork to get at the goods

Already so good at playing together!

Miss Ada "helps" with the big cake

Alice gets ready to blow out the candle. . .ok, Auntie Carrie and Miss Ada helped!

Look what Daddy made!

Alice likes to pick things and touch them with the tips of her fingers. . .

. . . but yeah, this is how you do it on your birthday!

35W Bridge Collapse - Wed. Aug. 1st

Had just driven over it Sunday night to bring mom and dad to airport (then home again). . . was really weird - didn't know it was going to be such a huge story - watched live coverage in horror - outside - eerie - the air was like dust - no one was outside - no animals - just quiet except for the helicopters and sirens.

LASIK Enhancement - Fri. Aug. 3rd

Hayden and boys brought me to my 2nd round of LASIK (had left eye enhanced). Here I am getting "prepped." Amy, Alex, and Billy got to watch the brief surgery on a monitor. The boys thought it was pretty cool!

Using a Straw @ Perkins - Sun. Aug. 5th

After a long wet weekend of hosting a garage sale we headed to Perkins for comfort food. Alice was, of course, a rock star out in public . . . and even figured out how to use her straw that came with her kiddie cup.

See! She's soo freakin' brilliant!

"Watching" the baby - Wed. Aug. 8th

Yeah. . . I'm still babysitting - though not as much as I am spending more and more time back at school already. . . . this is getting easy. . this kid almost watches herself! (kidding - I totally watched her manuver her way into the dangerous craft room. . . let her hang out long enough to get photo - then scooped her up and brought her to safety!) :)

Treat for myself - Aug. Back To School Sales

Well - I spent this past weekend with Melanie and Luca in Carver. . .but dope that I am - didn't get ONE photo of that!! It was fun anyway - and nice to be in a big safe house during the weekend storms! Came home and made a Target run - only to find awesome sales on back-to-school dorm stuff. It's cool - this bedding can work for a 34 year old, no? :)

DAG - Wed. Aug. 15th

Very CASUAL gathering of DAG. Great to see everyone - sad - I think I see Christy, Tom and Shelly about as much as I see Julayne - who lives in KOREA!! Oh well, we'll have to remedy that!! Yes - you can see my new haircut in this photo - but don't judge yet . . . I wasn't 100% . . . the cleansing had begun . . .


Lonny Unitus said...

note: giant ranch dressing on the table.

good luck with everything tomorrow! love you!

Carrie said...

Yes - my DAG friends made comments about the MONGO dressing as well . . .and of course had to tell the story of why my dad must provide me with life-time supplies of Ranch! (Nancy - you are in this with me as well!) :)

Mama Kautz said...

great kids dip everything in ranch we have 2 that size in the house at all times LOL
are you ok? or just a healthy cleanse thing

Grandpa Jerome said...

The story goes something like this, Carrie and all her friends would come to our house when they were in High School and finish off a big bottle of Ranch almost every time they came over. Then one day while shopping w/Mary Jo, I saw the price of that stuff, I was not impressed. By the way, this was the Reader's Digest version, it was really much more complicated.

Anyway, Carrie, all will be alright, and maybe they will find a way to correct your issues, boy, I hope so.

We are going to Laughlin for the weekend tomorrow after work, cheap rooms, etc.

Carrie, we will talk to you tomorrow afternoon.


Grandma said...

Great photos - thanks for sharing!

You've had a very busy month, but lots of fun, too. You make time to stay connected to so many friends and still have so much time for family, I envy you, Carrie :)

I've thought of you every time I wrote the date today, and I know you'll be glad to have today and tomorrow behind you. We know it is not fun, but you'll be relieved once it is done.

We'll talk to you again tomorrow,
Love you,