Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Third Week of October

This past weekend we had our 2nd Annual "Beautiful October Saturday at the Dog Park." Yes, I am wearing a tank top and shorts! I had a hoodie on - but got too darn hot!!! (Dad - it was BEE-U-TI-FUL out!) . . .

I made spaghetti tonight - called Lon and Jaime to invite them over to partake. They accepted - and voila - the "First-Dinner-On-The-New-Table" occured! Don't they all look SO excited to be a part of this special day?!?!?! (Except Alice - who is totally into her Texas Hold 'Em that Uncle Vanhtha is teaching her!)


Grandma said...

Great pictures! It is hard to believe you are in shorts and a tank top mid-October.

The spaghetti dinner looks awesome. I hope Uncle Vanhtha teaches Alice to last longer in Las Vegas than he does :)


Grandpa Jerome said...

Ho! Ho! Ho!

We will see you 8 weeks from today.

Can't hardly wait.
