Tuesday, January 22, 2008


That's what the scale said this morning. Now, to be fair - the first "weigh in" was fully clothed in the middle of the day. . . this, ahem, was not. Buck naked - first thing this morning.

But - if it goes down again - THAT will be something to celebrate! Hey - did I mention that I've been loving my meals lately?? Saturday (for Heidi) I made Glazed Porkchops, Sweet Potato Fries, and broccoli . . . and tonight I made Cous Cous, Green Beans (with lemon & garlic in olive oil), and bought a Rotisserie Chicken. Never had Sweet Potatoes in that way - nor have I ever tried cous cous! Both were awesome! The cous cous I bought in a box - already flavored. . maybe someday I'll try to do my own - but for now - I want to go back and get some of the other "flavors". . . I think the "garlic parmeasan" is next! (So, I have dinner for tomorrow as well - as I had PLENTY left over!)

I also am doing the pork chops and sweet potato fries again this week. (Friday, I think)

It's pretty cool knowing ahead of time what I'm eating all day. It's kinda cool to be presented with a treat or snack offer - and know that I can turn it down - cuz I've got a yogurt or string cheese or an apple waiting for me. I kinda like making the "calorie deals" with myself - like "yes, you can eat that Ranch Popcorn at the movie - but no after-dinner snack tonight!" kinda thing. . .

And did you know that fiber-rich foods also fill you up more than foods low in fiber? It's pretty cool. I know, I'm almost 35 and just figuring this all out . . . but humor me. Let me bask in the joy that is yummy new foods - and in being in total control of what is going into my body. :)


Mama Kautz said...

Yeahhhh WTG happy dance for you!!

Melissa said...

YEAHHHHHHHHH! :) Fiber One bars (the chocholate chip/Oat) are SO GOOD!!!! And it can hold you so long when you're just STARVING and running off to teach!

I wanna hear more about how you made the sweet potatoes!

jb said...

I LOVE sweet potato fries! You menu sounds pretty good - I may need to check it out. Since I am doing ok on the exercise I need to get moving on the food side of things :)

oh yeah - oats and pnut butter Fiber One bars are pretty good too

Grandpa Jerome said...

Great Job Carrie,

Now I have to start. I of course gained weight this past weekend and then last night we had dinner with Ken & Barb Peterson, so pigged out again. The scale was awful to me this morning but it's my own fault, will have to get serious about this now.

All My Love,


Mama Kautz said...

um....speaking from experience, keep the Fiber 1 bars to no more than say....3 in a day....just sayin

Anonymous said...

Rock On Care Bear!

Cousin Heidi