Monday, December 14, 2009

Inclusion or PC?

I don't usually use my blog to theorize or to wonder - mostly I like to journal with pictures. However - something has been bugging me lately.

On Facebook and in emails - I've been getting forwards and invites about people feeling jilted (?? is that what they're feeling??) about not feeling like they can say "Merry Christmas."

I'm not sure where this is really coming from. Are they upset because their kids' school calendar says Holiday Break? Do they feel slighted because on some sign somewhere it says "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas?" I don't get it. I don't feel slighted - so I'm seriously not sure what the point is - except that some extremists might be trying to rally people - and get them fired up about any cause (and this cause will do for now).

Why does my saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” . . .or schools having “Winter Break” instead of “Christmas Break” - take anything away from the good Christians? (yes, I'm not talking about the "bad" Christians right now :) tee hee

I mean - I truly think that people who like to bitch about just about everything are missing the true point - and that's not being "Politically Correct" (in fact - I've come to loathe that phrase) - but in being INCLUSIVE. As in - INCLUDING all people - not leaving people out.

I guess that's the way I am. It's who I am now, it's who I've always been, and who I will be when I "grow up." I fight for the little guy - the woman with no voice - the kid who can't fight for himself. Because of this - I will always try to be as inclusive as possible - and in my life right now - that includes many people who are not Christians. They attend and work at my school - live in my neighborhood - and pay the same taxes I pay.

I say “Happy Holidays” at the end of my CHRISTMAS letter – because I have many non-Christian friends who are not celebrating Christmas, but I still want to be included in my sentiment of love and peace during this special time of my year. (which, by the way, you don't have to be Christian to acknowledge/celebrate)

What I'm trying to say is - CELEBRATE your holiday! - shout your praises! - smile and wish people MERRY CHRISTMAS! Just don't be so self-centered that yours is the only religion in the room - and that the words "Happy Holidays" VERY MUCH ALSO mean "Merry Christmas" to you, "Joyous Hanukkah" to your co-worker, "Allah's Blessings" to your Muslim friends, and "Happy New Year" to your Hmong neighbors.

Thank GOD we live in a country where we can ALL be included and ALL celebrate our love for each other, and our desire for peace and joy.

With my sincere love, Merry Christmas. Peace On Earth. Happy Holidays.


Heideldy Deideldy said...


Mama Kautz said...

Why can't we just say Happy Haunakah to the Jewish peeps, and Happy Kwanaza to the African American peeps, etc...I am not offended by Happy Holidays...BUT if you know what I celebrate why not say Merry ex even said Happy I checked I hadn't converted...I do agree with you on being for the little guy and the woman that needs us...but to me Happy Holidays is a blanket statement and is PC...which I am totally sick of as well

Carrie said...

How will you know what to say to whom? Maybe sew a gold star on the Jews? Mark all the Muslims with a tatoo?? My point is that it's really not your business what anyone celebrates. I DO say Happy Hanukkah to my buddy Joe - just like I wish Allah's blessings to my Muslim students during Ramadan. and You should not be offended when someone smiles at you and wishes you Happy Holidays. Do not be offended when someone does not speak "Christian" to you. Take the sentiment as it is. HAPPINESS to you today.

jb said...

Well said Carrie!!!!!!!!

Mama Kautz said...

Speaking "Christian" is not like a foreign language....Christmas is the birth of Christ...therefore Merry Christmas...Happy Holidays covers a multitude of Holidays including Thanksgiving and New Years Gold Stars and tatoos? Really?

Anonymous said...

where is your "like" button, carrie!? jlh