Sunday, January 02, 2005

about last night

So Carrie and I were going to have a mellow night considering that Sunday was our last day of break and we didn't want to have a hangover. We went to Vanhtha's to play a little hold'em and I was quite happy that I wasn't beat right away. In fact I beat Vanhtha. Vanhtha's goal is to quit teaching and become a professional poker player. The teaching thing is temporary for me as well - it's just until I get my super-model career going.

So after leaving Vanhtha's we decided to do a drive by. Grumpy's did seem a little hopping, so we decided to go in, for one beer. We were warmly greeted by the bartender and decided to have one pitcher. Hey, we're teachers and always wanting to get the most for our dollar. The ratio of men to women was in our favor and we were enjoying the beer. There was also some free entertainment. A women in what looked to be early 40's was making the rounds. I witnessed her kissing at least four men and hanging on about a dozen. Carrie and I agreed that if this were ever us, the other would take that person into the parking lot and shoot them dead.

So we were getting ready to leave and some young lads asked us if we were interested in shooting darts. Being the gracious Minnesotans, we accepted. We teamed up in every way possible and the only consistent thing was that I was always the loser. I suck at any form of competition. So we were enjoying ourselves and as the night came to an end we were preparing to part ways.

Some other guys from another table who had been eye-balling us throughout the evening approached us. One guy asked Carrie if we knew the guys we were playing darts with and she said we'd just met. Then the guy approached me and asked if I "smelled that." "That" being the smell of our dart buddies. I did notice they were a bit ripe, and said I did smell the odor. He then suggested we go home with him and his friends. I guess this was supposed to be a compliment of some sorts, but the guy was simply an ass. Does this work for men? Do they simply think they can be walking out the door of a bar and say, "Wanna come home with me?" and we'll swoon? Get your coat Carrie, we got a live one. Whatever. This, among many other reasons, is why I will continue to be single. And happy about it - damn it.

- Melanie

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